Title: Alone
Prompt: Taking the Bus
Word Count: 153
Notes: Meadow Thayer is on a bus leaving Pleasantview.
The patchwork of gold and green slid by in a faded blur. The din of the crowded bus could have been a million miles away. Meadow had wrapped herself in a cocoon trying to shut out everything. The scenery was easy. The din, not a problem. The shock, fear, confusion, guilt, loneliness that had dogged her for the last week that didn't get shunted away so easily.
One night. A night where disappointment and pity had turned to pleasure and passion. It had seemed so innocent at first. He'd asked her what was wrong, and she'd explained that Angela had forgotten their girls' night out when Dustin asked her to the movies. He'd apologized for his daughter, and offered to take her for a bite to eat and then drive her home. In the end she'd spent the night in his bed.
Two months later she was on a bus, alone, but not.