Title: Confrontation
Prompt: "What did you say to me?"
Word Count: 154
Notes: Not sure if it's canon or not. It could happen in the future.
"What did you say to me?" Miny spun around and faced her son with lighting in a bottle look. Her eyes were bright. Her whole face was a brighter red than her children had ever seen. Her temper sizzled in the now silent kitchen.
Nathan froze. His eyes wide, his own color draining like punctured water balloon. He was stiff as he tried to make his mouth work. Finally he croaked.
"Luck to you. You know, the magazine award tonight?"
Miny deflated and moved over to wrap her son in a hug. "Sorry hon, I thought you said something else."
He relaxed visibly, although he did try to squirm out of the hug. "What did you think I said."
She pulled him closer, "You know what I thought you said. Don't ever make that mistake."
"All right, Mom."
When she finally let him go he whispered to his older sister, "I'm not that stupid."