Title: The News
Prompt: "I can do this."
Word Count: 172
"I can do this. I can do this."
"You, can. I'm right here with you."
"Mom, Dad, Al and I got married, cause I'm pregnant with another man's child."
"Hmm, I think you might want to slow it down just a bit. Maybe drop one bomb at a time, rather than the whole payload at once."
"I'm so nervous it's almost easier to blurt it all out at once."
"Well, you know your parents better than I do, Miny. But I'd rather not have to call 911 if you give your dad a coronary."
"Grandma will be there, she'll help."
"No, seriously, Al, I think it might be best just to blurt the whole thing out and then unpack it for them piece by piece."
"They're going kill me."
"No. Might make you wish you were dead, though. Want to back out?"
"I said for better or worse, I meant it."
"Well, if we have the worse now, we can see about the better later."
"Sounds great, but first, your parents."