Title: The Missing Piece
Character Pairing: George/Luna for
rarepair_shortsPrompt: Children of the depression
Rating: PG-13/super-light R (just for the beginning section....)
Word Count: 1,336 (my shortest yet!!)
Summary: George can't sleep...and if he can't have what he really wants, well then, cake will have to do. Cameo by Shirtless!Ron...
Author's Notes:
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Comments 22
I LOVE it! Please, please, PLEASE tell me you are planning on writing the Hogsmeade weekend!
This was so lovely! I adore the style of your writing and you portray these two beautifully!
Yay for shirtless!Ron! I remember you mentioning that he might make an appearance... *wink*.
Can't wait for the next installment! (I'm totally fangirling you, BTW)
*wishes for a George/Luna icon*
Mm, one really can't get enough of shirtless!Ron, can one?
The Hogsmeade weekend is definitely up next, and all I can say is it features jealous!George.... ;) Should be up sometime next week....
*hugs back*
I recommend Purely_Distel at Creative Cherry here on lj for icons (G/L or otherwise)...it's where I get all of mine!!
Thanks for the suggestion about CM - I have 3 fics (all R/Hr) up over there, and I've got a multi-chapter George/Luna that's going through the pre-beta process in hopes of getting it posted there as well...these ficlets at the moment are all cross-posted to the rarepair_shorts and georgeluna comms here on lj, as well as linked to the CM forums.
I loved the way George is missing her, I loved the brotherly talk, and I would love to read about that Hogsmeade visit...
Wonderful fic! :)
I thought, what's better than Weasley boys and cake? And I could only answer "nothing!!"
I'm glad you enjoyed!!
Hogsmeade up next!!
Thanks for sharing!!
I kind of think that they've both changed a lot over the war, and because of that they'd be able to be more open with each other...and since they're both in the same boat (i.e. missing their girls) I think they *would* be in sync.
Next one should be up soon...
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