Pictures from today's band practise...
Now...if it's unclear to anyone as to who plays what instrument, let me know. I'm too lazy to type up a report of today's practise right now. But i'll be posting that later in a blog for myspace. Yes, I know i'm not in any of the pictures. Shocking, huh? I'm the one who brought the camera. I actually wanted to get a nice group shot of everyone. And then have someone take a picture of me with the group. But there were so many technical difficulties, I didn't want to bother. Another time. And when we get really good, i'm going to ask a friend to come along and take the pictures for me.
Anyway, it's not like I didn't take any pictures of myself today. I took a few when I got home after practise. Nothing special. Just eyeliner, my almost invisible eyebrows, and lipgloss. One of these days, the band needs to have a dress rehearsal. And we need to come up with a name. I've been putting it off for a while, but I don't think the band will be getting a bassist any time soon. So. It is officially time to start brainstorming names. Does that make you happy, Hisaki? hahaha.