" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
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random scary factoids about the DeclarationallessindraJuly 5 2005, 06:46:01 UTC
It doesn't have the force of law. It's basically just a fuckoff letter. Mind you, it's a *polite* fuckoff letter -- most revolutions just started killing people. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Hancock, et alia were, however, gentlemen; they didn't want to be taken as ruffians.
And, if some elements of history are to be believed, Jefferson wanted to abolish slavery within that Declaration, and was over-ruled by the vast majority of the rest of the delegates.
Most people, when presented with the text of the Declaration without those first few oft-quoted sentences, denounce it as an act of vile sedition and think the writers should be shot, or at least charged with treason.
Cuz I'm up at 5am, blechlavabluJuly 5 2005, 09:44:00 UTC
The bill of rights is the force of law, I'm aware, but this declaration was formed to 1) yes tell king george to go fuck himself and they wouldn't take it anymore 2) also formed as a frame in which to develop the goverment, this documentation also set forth an extension of certain forms of slavery so that they may not be adjusted until the afforementioned dates had come to pass, like the slavetrade unable to be abolished until I believe like 1806 or some crap
( ... )
Comments 3
And, if some elements of history are to be believed, Jefferson wanted to abolish slavery within that Declaration, and was over-ruled by the vast majority of the rest of the delegates.
Most people, when presented with the text of the Declaration without those first few oft-quoted sentences, denounce it as an act of vile sedition and think the writers should be shot, or at least charged with treason.
Um. Yeah. Sorta teh point, eh?
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