I think that it is pertinant to record my memory before it may fade; little pieces floating off into oblivion not to be accessable until they one day flash into my minds eye as bright as the day is long.
This thought urges me back in time telling me to record every little memory I have about him.
Specifically though, last night.
First, some background information. Glenn, a genious in the theatre. A very confusing and brilliant person. Very intimidating. Being around him in an academic setting intimidates me to no end. I feel that he is very critical, I find myself assuming that he dislikes me because I'm not very self confident in our class. I can't really imagine having him as a friend, I feel more comfortable talking to my professors.
Second, our British Theatre and Drama class has been planning to have a get together at Max's house for some time now. We decided that we would combine non-sobriety with academics. We all dressed as one of the playwrights that we've read, and we were to act as that playwright. Maya as Bond, Glenn as Pinter, Max as Orton, me as 'Bernnie' Shaw, Leah as Wilde, Leslie as Churchill, and Mariah as...bloody hell I can't rightly recall. We made name tags and had a scenario where we all came together to celebrate Pinter's Nobel Prize in Literature.
Enough on back story, on to the night...
Starting with the night before that in fact. I stayed up until 2 writing my paper and then got up at 6:30, took a shower, went to breakfast, and finished my paper. I did't know I was capable of that. That afternoon after violin I had a nice section of time and I was planning to be all productive with it. I was headed to Ben's room (not productive) and ran into Che and Mario. I asked if they wanted to play badminton...they actually did, we found Joey and played at least 5 games. The teams that were the best matched were Joe & mario vs Che and me. Joey and I beat Mario and Che 15 to 1, it was glorious. Mario is so hilarious. Then we went on a beer run that lasted for a long time. I got 2 $3 bottles of wine, doens't have the nicest flavor but it works alright. Joey is actually legal but the liquor store wouldn't let him buy because they saw him get out of our car and then us go park in a sketch spot, so no vodka for me. The dance show went well. Afterwards Leslie and I drove to Max's house.
We started drinking and talking, it was quite fun. Glenn was messing with me a little and it was really not fun. It was weird, I felt like if I had had to start talking just then I might have started crying. I was really nervous about the filming thing, especially when they chose Shaw to be the first one in the restaurant with Pinter alone. I was like, dude, I don't have much to say. But it was alright because Pinter never ran out of stuff to say.
I mostly drank my terrible wine, but I also took a nice chilled & very large shot of spiced rum. After the filming was over I was much relieved. We went to smoke. Max's piece was perdy. So I guess that I thought getting high wouldn't make me more krunked than I already was, but I think it did because after that I remember less and less. Or rather, it becomes a bit less crystal clear shall I say. Oh, earlier I think that the conversation just went to sex a lot and people were just going off about it and then they started talking about how asians have small penises. So back to smoking, it was Leah, Glenn, Max, Max's roomate...that might be it. Anyway, I gave Leah a backrub, I don't really remember why. Then she wanted to tell the story about how Chelsea and I said her character sucked while she was in the back seat. Glenn started giving me a backrub. Then after that was done I was laying there and he started playing with my hair. And people talked and then I woke up and was really disoriented...I think that I just slept/passed out for a length of time (unknown). Leslie reasured me that I was just sleeping and everything was cool. I was laying next to Glenn for a long time it seems. I recall him getting really bothered that a button was undon on my shirt, so I unbuttoned it because it doens't like to stay,its getting too small -I did have a shirt on underneath it-. I think that Alex said I was breathing really loud at some point. Right before we left there was this great moment with Max. It was hilarious. He is so cheery usually but someone suggested that we smoke more and Max got very serious and said that he had make a commitment for the morning and he didn't want to flake out so he needed to go to sleep. He was in complete earnest and it was really cute. Then Leslie and I drove home. I think I should have drank and smoked slightly less. It was fun though and hopefully I didn't bother anyone too terribly.
Well, now that I have completely waisted my time at work by writing this I shall be done. Well, I suppose its not waisted per say, just not...homework.