Dragoncon report!

Sep 26, 2010 18:20


So about a week before Dragoncon, we had a great idea and thought, “Hey! Why don’t we ask around and see if any other DGM fans are going and see if they want to meet up to chat or something?” In retrospect, it was probably a good thing that we never actually got around to asking because we spent a lot of time in the hotel room finishing up an awesome costume (that I unfortunately don’t have pictures of), and didn’t manage to get out as much as we’d planned.

We did get out for just a little bit on Friday and Saturday and the wee hours between Sunday night and Monday morning and met some seriously seriously awesome people =) We also ran into a marvelous first uniform Allen (the only other DGM costume we saw that weekend) by chance in the Hilton (while we were both out of costume, dammit!), who took our crazy shouting and waving very good-naturedly before the elevator door closed again =)

So, a mix of photos from this year and last year just for fun. 99.99 percent are just us fooling around, as is evidenced by Kanda and Road still wearing glasses and a badge and luggage being strewn around like bits of Headquarters after an attack.

Another day, another mission, Lavi makes another eyepatch.

Kanda was ready way before, and by now is past sitting and meditating and on to eating junk food for something to do.

Lavi stares down a cooler that might be an Akuma.

Having subdued the cooler and determined the inn room is safe, Lavi congratulates the handsome rabbit in the mirror on a job well done.

Kanda marches out to begin the mission.

Which involves a blimp boat balconies.

“Oh, hey, a railing to lean over! Must…go…brood….”

Meanwhile Kanda remembers his past.

And that time he killed Alma.

And all the lotuses.

“Aww, stop being all emo, Exorcists! Play with me!”

“Wait, Yuu, it’s a trap! Don’t you remember what happened the last time you fought a Noah straight on?”

“Che. There’s no hospital in the world that I can’t escape from.”

“True. And there’s less chance of Science Department accidents happening now that they’ve moved the location of the infirmary.”

“Are you guys just going to keep talking all day? I’m getting bored.”

“Hah! That’s what happens when you get distracted. I’ve got your umbrella!”

So in exchange for getting Relo back, Road left the Exorcists alone. The Innocence, which turned out to be the figurehead of the good ship Blue Lady, was safely retrieved and taken back to the inn. And the Exorcists celebrated a job well done.

The end =)

So, next year, perhaps, we can get a real meetup together. Lavi has also agreed to do third uniform Lavi if I’ll do third uniform Kanda with purple hair. I admit to being highly intrigued by the idea =)

dgrayman, dragoncon, costumes

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