TV TV TV (Part Two)

Sep 23, 2010 15:39


Top Model is gettin' realer and realer every day.

Look, y'all. Catching up on ANTM was trying today. Videos wouldn't load - for some reason my internet has decided to hate YouTube with the fire of a million suns. But I have seen the first half hour, heard the photoshoot, and read the TWoP recaplet. I've watched it now. And so, quite frankly, all I can say is thank goodness Lexie is still around. Because I love a girl who
a) is a shit-stirrer and makes a fake makeover list that other people believe (and that they wrote it in their fake beach in their house. WTH is up with that beach?)
b) is described by a photographer (who is supposedly famous) as someone who just shouldn't model.
c) gives an "academy winning" performance
d) decided her fake makeover was basically a repeat of Brittany's from C8 (which was a big piece of crap)
e) thinks her secret list is going to stay a secret (and says, "We're never telling anybody" on national TV)
My love for Lexie is unbound. She's not as high on my list as Kahlen, because no one will ever top Kahlen, but she's still A+ and is the best part of the cycle for me so far.

Chelsey and Kendal repeatedly leave little to no impact, except that Chelsey has proven the hypocrisy of Tyra once more. Let me remind you of Dani(elle) from C6 - Tyra tried to force her to close that gap. Apparently gaps are high fashion, so Chelsey went all Laura Hutton for ANTM. Doesn't matter to me, nothing will ever beat Joanie's trip to the dentist. And speaking of makeovers, wth was up with Sara's? She looked fugly, and it's a shame she had to go home looking that way. You know she got stares on the airplane. I was mostly okay with the other makeovers/they didn't make an impact. Except Liz's dumb complaining. I mean, maybe it was justified, but whatever. And back to Kendal, I think she's made little impact, but at the same time, if she and Chris narrated the show, I'd be okay with that.

Alsoalsoalso! We got a whiff of C1 Tyra when she came to the girls' house and talked about their farting. I think, secretly, all Tyra wants/needs is a girlfriend to talk about bodily functions with. But how much are you waiting for the day when someone loses their portfolio or forgets to pack it when they go international? It has to happen, right?

That photoshoot was also just an excuse for Jay Manuel to pretend to be a fallen angel, and I hope nobody thinks differently. He has been waiting fifteen cycles for the day he could pose on a beach with wings. Also you know he and Mr. J ate up the fact that they got to eliminate someone. I won't miss Terra that much, especially because Chris seems to be picking up her crying slack. It's that sisterly connection. But also! Didn't you love when Terra was all, "That was the last time Tyra was going to call my name last" and it WAS! Soup Cooler is psychic, y'all.

(Really, if you want to see weird sister interactions, watch the latest cycle of New Zealand's Next Top Model because Nellie and Elza are bonkers. In a high fashion, model kind of way. But bonkers all the same.)

And who doesn't think Kayla's going to win this whole thing? I feel that inkling right now.

Also, true facts, I read "Patricia Fields" as the episode title and thought it meant "Pat Cleveland" and I almost peed myself out of excitement. Because you cannot make up Pat Cleveland's kind of crazy, but, alas, it was just Patricia Fields. I think judging was a joke, because even the photographer thought the shoot was crazy (she said it, like, eight times) and no wonder all the girls sucked. It was a stupid shoot.

And that's what I have to say about that, and I'll leave you this:


Top Chef: Just Desserts
I think I'm the only person on my flist watching this, but whatever. I'll still talk about it. Because I love it. Because Gail Simmons is eight times better than Padma. Because I actually like Johnny Iuzzini this week. And because pastry competitions are one of my favorite things to watch.

Also I'm just hoping someday we get Top Chef: Just Desserts: Masters. Because that's enough colons to make me laugh.

Anyway, I was scared of Morgon last week, this week I'm scared of Seth. I'm pretty sure he needs to leave. Anyone who cries on a world-renowned (maybe) pastry chef, saying "I used the atomic fireballs for my mommy" maybe needs to spend some time regrouping. But I still like Asian Stephanie. And Zach. Because he used Hot Tamales in his dessert.


This show is a shitshow. And I don't even know if it's a good thing. But I am in love with whats-her-face's law professor. And the brown-noser. Whats-her-face is still...well, whats-her-face to me. Oh, I just remembered. It's Marty. Whatever. I do like bitchy cheerleader, though. She is reminiscent of Santana, in a very good way.

The storyline with the coach/coach/doctor is very reminiscent of "Nurse Jackie" except that it's...not as good. And the scene changes are reminiscent of "Glee," but then this show is not even "Glee" good.

"Terriers" is still good. I still recommend it to people.

tyra, !tv, antm

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