Sanctuary - 310 - The Hollow Men

Dec 18, 2010 09:37

Literally every time I hear Helen Magnus say, "Previously, on Sanctuary" all I can think is how much Amanda hates them. Also, I see you there, "6 Hrs!", in the previouslies. Anytime that shows up, my life becomes better.

"There be tigers down there"

Okay, so I know we're not supposed to like him, but I think I'm starting to live an Adam Worth Appreciation Life. I think it's in that way I liked Snape in the first Harry Potter books, where he was making life difficult for the heroes and being snarky and wonderful. (Oh, and this is not going to be the last you'll hear of HP references. Just a head's up there.)

This is the face Helen Magnus makes when you try to talk to her about Ashley. Do you see the sadness there? So don't do it.

So I really didn't think about how Helen and Adam have both lost a daughter. That is an interesting thing. I don't think it's going to get much more play on "Sanctuary," but I feel as though if there's one person who can understand a fraction of what Helen's going through (except maybe John, who has also lost a daughter), it's Adam.

Team Awesome

Just throwing some love out there for the John/Nikola bffship

Oh and also, "You're not really good at naming things, are you?" - Will, it's like you're talking to the show! I cite "Avatar Council" and "Praxis" as my evidence. Vampire Shield is nothing.

"Too bad our resident genius could only make one."
"Really, the paltry supplies of lathanite you keep on hand..."

"I did aid in procuring the keystone."
"Found the gateway!
(Also, openended, you were so right. It being a bracelet = Helen Magnus going to Hollow Earth)

Mom and Dad just sharing a look there. No big deal.

"Huey, Dewey and Screwy!"
"Don't be bitter"
"But I do it so well!"

Also Henry's need to pee brings up an important question. What if you do have to pee while you're on a mission for the Sanctuary? Normally I would say go in the woods, but I feel like they sneak around buildings a lot and never visit the restroom. And what if it's your ladytimes? (Granted, Helen Magnus is probably way past menopause so maybe doesn't think about that. But Kate, man. I imagine that times is hard for her sometimes.)

"Let me come with you."
Okay, let's talk about this. Helen and John. He loves her a lot and wants to be able to protect her, but he also respects it when she says that he can't. I feel like that is so rare. Usually, if anything, it's the other way around. Or the man just won't take no for an answer. I mean, yes, Helen has logic on her side, but still. The implications. It's like when the falling on top of each other and the giggling happened, he said, "Next time, you take point." He understands she won't stay out of harm's way - he's not going to make her. (Do I think about this too much? Do I have a problem? Let me tell you, I got 99 problems, but overthinking TV ain't one.)

(Also let's talk about how we're just getting to the not!opening credits right now. Buckle your seat belts, this is going to be a long one)

Seriously, dude. You want to taunt Jack the Ripper? You want to go there?

"He's not worth it - pardon the pun."

Okay, and the whole thing with Nikola and John here - they keep restraining each other from acting too hastily throughout this episode. And it's wonderful. I think it's one of those things where I love all the characters, but there's one particular character (in this case, Tesla) where, when anyone interacts with him, I automatically like the interacting character more. I call it C.J. Cregg syndrome.

"If you kill him, he can't help her." - The tone of voice here. Man. Jonathan Young, please bear my children.

The only way I could love Nikola more right now is if he was sporting that rad 1880s 'stache.

I'm just saying, if they'd brought a Minnesotan to that mountain, we would have taken care of business in right short order. Also I was just thinking the whole time, "That snow's just fluttering about - it's not like a snow storm where it's all angling in one direction. Flurries, man. Flurries."

"Eeney meanie miney...there goes Moe"
(gingasaur, I think you can call this validation of your favorite name for Amanda.)

"I said pull."
"It's a stone wall!" (This makes me think Professor Expendable is making an appearance this episode. Also because I've seen the episode, I know he does. Anyway, Will's uselessness is becoming fast apparent.)

"A vampire detector. All the major airports have 'em."
"Maybe you should let us go first. Maybe if it senses three non-vampires, it might go easy on you."
If we're keeping a tally of stupid things Will says, we're at three. At least. Because this isn't scientific (couldn't you tell?) and I didn't actually start counting at the beginning of the episode.

"I take back everything I've said about the guy."
"Let's not be too hasty."
Perfection. I don't care if it means that she doesn't think they necessarily got away with anything, because it sounds like she's saying that they shouldn't be too hasty in recanting the snarky things they say about Nikola. And yes I just explained a joke and probably took away the funny. I do what I want.

Okay, when I said they restrained each other, maybe I meant Nikola restrained John. But seriously. I can't quite express my love for this Nikola.

I mean, it's like he loves Helen so much that he's being reasonable. I mean, when shit is hitting the fan, he is logical and his actions are well thought out. And he will put what he wants to do behind what is better for Helen. And I don't necessarily mean that he's in love with Helen (even though I think he is), because I feel like a more "We're the Five and a hundred and fifty-odd years old" kind of love is at play here. Familial rather than sexual.

Okay, time for a side by side comparison:

There is how Helen gets to swinging under a bridge. Just drops down, nbd.

And there is how Will does it. Gingerly and with much caution.

I understand, empirically, that they should rest because Helen Magnus is knocking on death's door (which apparently could be avoided if she took more vitamins), but come on, Will. There are laser shields herding you around and two members of Team Awesome are somewhere in the middle of the Earth and so maybe there isn't actually time to rest. If there's adrenaline, take it and run.

"Hey, Hoppy." Thanks, Kate and Henry. You're bringing the funny to this episode, and I greatly appreciate it. However your sections are not very well lit and I'm not about to try to edit these screencaps because I am lazy

In case anyone was wondering, I'm pretty sure the Kate Annoyance Watch is over, and that one episode at the beginning of the season where I didn't like her was a fluke.

"Hank, stop being a child."
"Exactly, all we have is each other which is why I need you in one piece."

This officially means that Will is at the bottom of my list, but I feel like people may have figured that out by now.

In which Will explores his inner interior decorator.

"At least we know there are humans down here." Nikola will be pleased. This means Huey, Dewey and Screwy weren't the first humans in centuries to see the city.

"Smells like -"
"That's not the adjective I would use to describe that."
Helen Magnus, consummate doctor, examining poo in the middle of the Earth.


Can we talk about this? I mean, really. Let's sit and discuss it. Because that's some Harry Potter business and it was just a few weeks ago that nighttones and I talked about how the keystone was probably a Horcrux and the Sword of Gryffindor was hidden in Hollow Earth. As theories go, we weren't that far off. Anyway, the first time around, I just was filled with Harry Potter love. It was also one of the first times in the history of the world where I thought, "Man, if only Harry Potter was here." Becuse usually that character is such a downer.

ALSO ALSO ALSO the things the basilisk spits are very similar to what Wexford spit out. So maybe Wexford is not half one of those lizards from Rescuers Down Under but is half basilisk instead.

"How 'bout just one eye?"
"It's not a toy!"
"I know! It's still kind of cool though!"

And then Will didn't bring his phone to Hollow Earth. Someone was never a boyscout. And Helen Magnus, the lady who should have rested, according to Will, has to save his life because he's playing the part of Professor Expendable. Concubines, man. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. (Also Will's stupidity count is maybe up to ten now. Again, this isn't science.)

"You know, there's only so much bile I can swallow in a single day.

Also, can we talk about that pretty shade of pink lipstick Druitt is wearing?

What is happening? How is it like daylight?

I want a whole lot of explanations about Hollow Earth. I can only hope it comes at some point. Like I get how the Praxis residents have their fancy stuff, but they don't seem that friendly, so how does the technology get shared with the nomadic farmers?

Who has the giggles? Is it Amanda Tapping? Yes.

Oh hey there Sister Clarisse. You're looking tired.

Brief story time - I think I had a dream about Hollow Earth, because when they asked if Helen and Will had clearance, I was all, "Oh, right of course. I remember that." And then I thought, "Do I actually remember that?" You guys, what if I have TV Spoiler Dream Powers?

Hey alternate Dream Team. I love how short Adam is. Or how gigantic John is. The combination is pleasing. (Much like Kristen Chenoweth + Allison Janney. Bet you didn't see two "West Wing" references coming at you this week.)

"Where there's plumbing, there's-"

That is a picture of a lady who just wants to use the bathroom. And man, what if bathroom signs were pictures of people who really had to go to the bathroom instead of stick figures? I think I would laugh at that. Sometimes I think about if I ever ran my own restaurant or whatever, and the bathroom signs I would use. True facts: I take pictures of unique restroom signs. I have a lot.

"Oh, Nikola. I always was a fan."
"Yeah, I know."

Seriously, every time Nikola appears, it's like a birthday present to me. Every single time.

Did anyone ever play Myst or the subsequent games that followed (Riven, Exile, etc)? Because this is so like something in those games.

"Traveling vertically and horizontally at an alarming rate. It's like being inside a gyroscope."
"The inner sphere is held at constant orientation by some kind of repulsor jets. Pneumatic maybe. Or dipolar."
Love for science-y Helen. So. Much. Love.

I love Helen's "I have a plan" face.

"Well done, us."

I love how casually Ian Tracey deals with the visual effects and navigating Hollow Earth. Like it makes me love Adam that much more, because it's so like, "I've done this many times, I'm super confident in everything" and it's fantastic.

"Are you saying we got rebooted?"
"Uh-huh. I am definitely having a Vista moment."
I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE, HENRY. Seriously. He and Kate. Bringing the funny.

"Where do you think we are? The city?"
"Well it definitely ain't Kansas."

"I believe...this is...our. Stop."
This is what it looks like when Helen gets caught without a plan.

Okay, let's talk about this. 1) Why doesn't Helen have any weapons? Did they really think "coming in peace" precluded arming themselves for protection? 2) What were she and Will doing in the transport? Why weren't they planning for a possible ambush? These are basic things I feel would not normally happen. I mean. We all saw "Breach."

"I know we all did some fancy footwork with the slide rule...."

"Since when did I become the responsible one of the group? The big hairy one can answer the phone. I'm not missing out on this!"

Nikola. Tesla. Appreciation. Life.

I believe we've talked about my extreme dislike for hooded creepy things, so I'm not even going to deal with them. They're hooded and creepy, end of story. Also the prison is eerily reminiscent of some Lantean/Replicator/Ancient technology.

"So how did you two end up here?"
"Well we were attacked by telepathic Hare Krishnas with ray guns. You?"
"Fed by holo-projecting mushroom farmer, took the bus, didn't pay, got arrested."

This is Helen's, "Why don't you just whip 'em out and measure 'em?" face

"Good job, the patient will live." - Okay, the smile Kate gave. How she reacts to Helen's approval makes my heart swell a little. It was the same in "Bank Job." Love.

"Now it's time for the adult to take over....Welcome to my world."

Okay, I knew Adam/Jekyll was going to be up to something, but damn, if he isn't an evil little BAMF.

Here's a pretty party. Hosted by Helen Magnus. And Sister Clarisse.

Also Sister Clarisse is basically Syndrome. I wish John had been around so she could say something along the lines of, "You married Elastigirl? AND GOT BUS-AYYYY"

So...when it starts up again, it'll take place in England, where Declan McRae becomes the lead actor?

Also, I've been thinking. During the loo-ooong BSG hiatus, there were weekly "Hiatus Survival" parties, which were episode rewatches or shipper manifestos and things of that nature. Worth it doing that for "Sanctuary"? (I feel like this might happen anyway, whether people say they want it to or not, but I'm also curious if it's something worth doing.)

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