Hey y'all, it's that magical time of year where I watch ANTM and liveblog it like a freak (and general incoherency is ahead). Three Picks (chosen with no background information whatsoever): Alexandria, Monique, and Dominique. So one's going to be the bitch, and one's going to be runner up. Because that's usually how it goes with my picks. But this
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Comments 8
Oh, Tyra, girl... there are no words.
I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT ANTM!!!!!!! Ugh, I need to go watch it online now. I hate myself so much.
But yes. I've heard he's super attractive in real life.
Okay, why does Hannah irritate you?! She is damn pretty though. That pic, for reals, I was like, "If I could look like that..." I love Sara, mainly because I want them to cut off that rat tail, but also because I love the cool cats.
OMG, the ball. I would have died. Instead I get to sit in the comfort of my home and giggle when Dominique fell on her butt.
I like that you've seen that screenshot I took
I think that screencap epitomizes his sexiness.
Dominique is annoying as shit. I wanted to punch her at the end of the episode and I wanted her to go home (I actually wanted both girls to go home, but they can't do that).
The beginning of the episode was the best. I seriously love ANTM for its crack factor. If I didn't live with people I would laugh hysterically, but then my roommates would wonder what was wrong with me.
Beth I have like a really important question for you. Sometime will you watch Canada's Next Top Model on youtube with me so we can laugh at people AND look at Tricia Helfer's flawless face at the same time?
Um, Kristen, I have a really important answer for you: Yes. Can this happen, like, yesterday. I totally forgot she was on that show. And Cycle 1 is my favorite Cycle of CNTM ANYWAY. Let's make this happen.
Yes yes omg okay I'm so excited. Let's do it at our earliest possible convenience. What does your tomorrow evening/night look like? I would say tonight but it's Thursday comedies and by the time they're over I'll probably feel pretty done watching things.
I'm so excited for TV tonight.
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