List 5 things you'd like to happen in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and you think probably WILL happen, list 5 things you'd like to happen, but probably WON'T, and 5 things you'd like to happen, but DEFINITELY won't.
Things I want to happen in HPDH (and probably will):1. Neville being awesome and causing
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On a quick 15 minute break from Mental Health Pharmacology, thank GOD. It's awful. These next 9 weeks will KILL ME. We have 5 more sections of pharmacology on top of the theory portion, on top of clinicals. I will have a nervous breakdown before summer break.
1. Who is your favorite HP couple? (And I mean ACTUAL couple, not ship!)Lucius/Narcissa. I wish we could get a chance to see how these two really act at home. 2. Which would you rather see: a continuation of Harry's life post-Hogwarts, or a prequel about the original Order of the Phoenix?Prequel. We know so much about Harry already and
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ETA: Voldemort is hawt. lol ETA again: I LOVE that part at the end when the music gets all dramatic and they show all those clips in quick sucession. Awesome.