Business Week: Отпуск по уходу за ребенком в США

Jan 15, 2015 21:04

По данным МОТ (Междунарожной организации труда) только в двух странах нет законодательно утвержденного [на федеральном уровне - примечание переводчика], даже частичного, отпуска по уходу матери за ребенком. Эти две страны: США и Папуа Новая Гвинея

According to the United Nations’ International Labour Organization, there are only two countries in the world that don’t have some form of legally protected, partially paid time off for working women who’ve just had a baby: Papua New Guinea and the U.S.

The U.S. is also way behind the 78 countries that also offer leave to fathers. Forcing mothers back to work early can have consequences for children. When they’re on maternity leave, their children are more likely to be breast-fed and taken to the doctor for checkups. Studies have found that a year after having a baby, women who took at least a month of leave reported higher salary increases.
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