BROKEN, Part 2

Feb 19, 2012 21:54

Part One is here

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reversebang, merlin

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Comments 52

reni_m February 20 2012, 05:39:32 UTC
Very clever of Merlin to do that to himself.
Shame it caused him so much pain though.
Yay for the happy ending!
Good job!


Broken lawgoddess February 28 2012, 14:09:34 UTC
Thank you for reading!

The art prompt was great, it gave me a lot to work with.

Love your icon. :)


juhli February 20 2012, 10:21:23 UTC
Wow, amazing story ♥
I always love it when authors portray merlins and the knights relationship a bit ^^

I enjoyed reading it a lot, thanks so much for writing (:


Broken lawgoddess February 28 2012, 14:10:54 UTC
Thank you so much!

I like writing in canon time, and I'm a sucker for Merlin/knights.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.


kianspo February 20 2012, 11:02:35 UTC
Oh God, I was so scared that Merlin wouldn't be healed, the way you described his distress was so raw and disturbing. I don't think I've ever been more grateful for a happy ending in my life. :D

Also, loved this portrayal of a more mature Camelot, with everyone's relationship slotted in the right places. Gwen being sweet and lovely, Gwaine fierce and protective, Lancelot wise in his own way. And the way you write Arthur is amazing.

So much love for this story. ♥


Broken lawgoddess February 28 2012, 14:14:59 UTC
Oh my goodness, you made my day with your very kind words.

I enjoy writing Gwen, and I did want the story to be set in a Camelot where there are lots of caring relationships.

This was a very last minute pinch hit, and I wrote it in 16 days. So glad you liked it.


(The comment has been removed)

Broken lawgoddess February 28 2012, 14:17:51 UTC
I'm so happy you liked it Lola!

I thought you might like Aithusa!

I appreciate your cheerleading and your thoughts about it as a WIP so much.


gwylliondream February 20 2012, 15:12:21 UTC
This was amazing! I'm so glad Merlin's precious fingers were healed at the end!


Broken lawgoddess February 28 2012, 14:19:57 UTC
I knew if I didn't fix the fingers you would hunt me down!

Thanks so much for your help with this- you were a huge encouragement to me when I was having my "WTF have I done?" moments.


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