Name seven of your characters/muses.
(All are from Beyond the Curtain)
1) Ethan
2) Olivia
3) Caleb
4) Logan
5) Zoe
6) Andrew
7) Sophie
Sorry Leah!
What do you do with them?
I wrote my play with all of them, and in it I cause general suffering in all of their lives. Soon I will be casting them, forcing actors to play them, and sharing them with anyone who wants to come see them.
Do you feel close to them?
Since I don't really write that much, all of these guys are totally my babies. I think in real life, I'd be friends with almost all of them (odd, seeing as none of them are really pleasant people XD) I have an especially close connection with Andrew, because we're both Sound Technicians.
Do you believe they're real?
They're not real, but most of them are either based on people I know or composits. Walk into a school drama program and you'll find them all, just not exactly the same.
Are any of them dating each other?
The story is pretty much a romantic comedy, so yes! All of them are dating each other! Olivia and Logan dated during the story, and by the end of the story the couples are Andrew and Sophie, Ethan and Zoe, and Caleb and Olivia.
Have any of them ever been killed?
Not really, though Olivia thinks Caleb is dead for quite a while.
Have you drawn them?
No, though I have been precasting (Evil Katherine!)
About number one:
Ethan! He's a sarcastic actor who can never remember his lines.
What do they do for a living?
I'd say he probably has a part time job at Chick-fil-a, though that is not ever even hinted at. It works for him. He stands there and mocks customers.
What do they dress like?
Average. If there is one single composite of all guys in high school, that is how he dresses. Jeans, T-shirt, a polo if he feels like it. Kind of like a fucking prep.
Who is their best friend?
Probably Caleb. They're close anyway.
How would they respond to abuse?
He actively runs away from being abused by the stage manager the whole show! So yeah, running away
Do they have any nicknames?
Eth-Eth! No, I'm kidding- he doesn't have a nickname.
Are they seeing anyone? Married?
He asks out Zoe at the end of the play, and I like to think that they kept on dating at least until graduation.
What species are they?
Actor. Species of its own.
Do they eat meat?
He is no vegetarian!
What kind of accent do they have?
Whatever the accent is of the actor playing him. I'd say just the normal, everyday American accent normally though.
Are they a virgin?
One time, at band camp...
About number two:
Olivia, the crazy egotistical actress who is looking for love
What's their middle name?
How old are they?
What's their favorite hobby?
Singing. Professionally. In REAL shows.
What's their sexuality?
Any special powers?
The amazing special power of annoying everyone and not getting slapped in the face at any point.
What religion are they?
I'd say she's Christian, but not really practicing. She's a pretty liberal person.
Do they get ridiculed?
Frequently to her face, though she is quite oblivious to it.
What species are they?
Prima Donna
Who are their friends?
She is "friends" with Zoe, though Zoe doesn't like her. She has some other friends in the general acting community. Sorry, I mean the REAL acting community. XD
Have they ever wanted to kill someone?
Nah, not really.
About number three:
Caleb, the meek stage crew (he is the whole stage crew) who's in love with Olivia
What color is their hair?
I always think brown. It just suits him, a lighter mousey brown.
What is their ethnicity?
Probably white. These questions don't work as well for a play. XD
What is their favorite food?
Pizza Bagels
Do they have a nice singing voice?
He doesn't know, he's never sung in front of anyone else. He'd be too nervous.
Have they ever hurt someone?
He tries to punch someone in the face at one point, but doesn't manage it. He's probably broken one or two girl's hearts before, turning them down because he was in love with Olivia.
Are they a virgin?
Yes. Sorry Caleb!
Are they single?
Very very single, and not happy about it.
About number four:
Logan, the creepy and borderline robotic set painter who speaks in one-word phrases.
Are they male or female?
What is their favorite color?
Who is their worst enemy?
What sort of clothes do they wear?
Where are they from?
Are they in a relationship?
What would they do if they were held at gunpoint?
Number five:
Zoe, the neurotic costume designer.
Are they magic in any way?
She must be magic, to be able to stand listening to Olivia all the time.
What religion are they?
Catholic. Probably. I see her as a christmas and easter type Catholic.
Do they have any kids?
Haha, she's no teen parent!
Has anyone close to them ever died?
Probably a close grandparent or something. Her Grandma, who taught her how to sew and left her a sewing machine. There.
If they were an animal, what would they be?
A small dog.
What sort of TV programs do they like?
Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, and other reality shows are her favorites. She also follows House.
What is their fondest memory?
Learning to sew as a little kid.
Number six:
Andrew, the crazy over the top Sound Technician who gets into a prank war with Sophie.
What number would represent them?
Where are they from?
Vermont? He's not really specifically from anywhere.
Do they consider themselves pretty?
He considers himself very manly and attractive.
How often do they sleep?
Two hours a night, with his eyes open is what he'd tell people. In reality, more like 12 hours a day.
Do they daydream?
All the time, when doing sound work. He likes to project his daydreams into his real life to make it more interesting.
What is their sexuality?
Do they have any hobbies?
Number seven.
Sophie, the scheming lighting tech
Do they like being outdoors?
I think she probably likes camping or something.
What's their personality like?
I think that, out of the context of theater, she's probably a pretty high energy fun person. She's very passionate about her emotions too.
Do they hate anyone?
Andrew. Or does she...? (Hint: The answer is no)
Do they have a crush? Who?
Andrew. Or does she...? (Hint: The answer is yes)
Are they intelligent?
She is one of the most cunning wenches that roams our mighty land!