
Jul 19, 2005 23:01

A direct quote from Bush's Supreme Court nominee, John G. Roberts Jr., during his days in the Reagan administration:

"Roe was wrongly decided and should be overruled."

Let the games begin!

Eric? Mike? Opinions? Jurisprudence?

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Comments 7

starkfigment July 20 2005, 10:04:59 UTC
Look on the bright side; that's better than "Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas was wrong and should be overruled."

Can't we just have a libertarian judge, for once? I think we're in filibuster territory.


sudo July 21 2005, 05:52:04 UTC
That's somewhat unfair, Braum. It was my impression that he wrote that as part of a legal brief, while he was working as a lawyer. Lawyers are paid to write things they don't necessarily agree with.

Hell, Nixon's nominee, Harrold Carswell? My uncle wrote a brief supporting him, even though he personally considered Harry to be a despicable human being.


lawnchairfox July 21 2005, 11:53:53 UTC
Yeah Ben,

you are right, it was just a brief he wrote for the Bush I administration. HOWEVER, it doesn't stop the pro-choices from getting pretty darn worried (as they should be with ANY Supreme Court nominee).

So let me re-rephrase: Let the Borking begin!

(Borking: the act of frying a supreme nominee with questions of ideaological beliefs)

Oh, and for your amusement, a list of "conservative" court nominees who weren't Borked:

Warren, O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter...

get the point? they all turn liberal!


fury479 July 23 2005, 02:19:10 UTC
too goddamn bad that kennedy and souter weren't drawn and quartered, let alone "borked."


fury479 July 21 2005, 23:03:23 UTC
Well I'm very hostile towards the Supreme Court at the moment so I won't support this guy unless he pledges to try to overrule Kelo and the medical marijuana case. Frankly that statement that the left will harp on for ever and a day is not a damning piece of evidence. That was taken out of a legal brief, for those who are unaware about what a legal brief is its an excersise that lawyers all have to go through. They are given a topic and each is assigned, repeat assigned, a position to take on the subject. then they need to write a brief to support their side. I'm pretty sure you could even find a brief written way back in the day by Souter that supports civil liberties and freedom.


starkfigment July 24 2005, 11:46:46 UTC
Eh, I think it's sort of funny that morphine/vicodin/other powerful, powerful, addictive narcotics are legal for medical use and...marijuana is not.

I wasn't aware that it was just a brief. And no one looks like they're gonna be filibustering this guy, if you read the senate reactions. He apparently seems like a decent enough guy.
They even say he "hates bullies"
I hate bullies, too! Go get 'em, tiger


(The comment has been removed)

lawnchairfox September 20 2005, 11:11:32 UTC
I really don't care. I recognize that Bush was elected fairly and thus has the ability to nominate whoever the hell he wants. I was just hoping for a good ol' fashion political bloodbath for entertainment sake.

I personally like Roberts and would vote to confirm him myself.


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