Well...it was a weekend. It's over now. *whew*
1. I've noticed I start the weekend with good intentions. I dunno what happens by Sunday evening, though.
2. Flower's going to kill all the village children and adopt longbowman?? WTF??
2a. If given 3 rocks, Flower will supposedly kill 3 of her kids because 7 is her lucky number. Who knew?
3. 2 more deserved COD mugs. Go Matt Rhodes and Danny Smith!!
4. Walkies will Bill McCurry. MUCH nicer than last year - and this time, he asked ME to do it! Squeeeee!
5. I miss my fight partners when they are not here.
5a. Being yelled at by Matthew Duvall is a close second, especially when the audience sees him as a very, very bad man.
5b. Real life and work has to come before playing pretend. I understand that and applaud Louis for understanding it too.
5c. I liked the reaction we got when we had to mime our fight. Shay makes a good narrator.
6. 3 tired women in a hotel room is fun.
7. I miss my kids when they aren't here. Odd...I like my freedom, but am lost when I have it.
7a. I still didn't drink while they were gone. Being an adult is boring.
7b. I don't like bringing drama - REALLY don't like it.
8. I will let my emotions take over my rationality when my friends have hurt feelings. I will set off nearly in a run to throttle someone in order to fix things, whether it fixes the problem or not.
8a. Luckily, I have other friends that keep my emotions in check for me, so I don't do dumb things.
9. Flower is NOT cameral fodder.
10. Easter is Flower's favorite holiday because she knows that it is the day that her place was secured in heaven.
10a. Katherine Sage with a white veil and Flower with a black veil is amusingly ironic.
11. Sunday morning with no voice is not the way to start the day.
11a. It got worse later. Boo. Hiss.
12. The sherbert bodice of doooom went over well.
12a. I need a matching hat.
13. Cotton and seersucker is still a tie, damnit.
14. I cannot eat lunch before chess match, but I can wolf down sausage and jalapeno turnovers and cheddar rosemary scones at breakfast.
15. Staying to late in the parking lot to squeak my goodbyes will result in an angry husband because I didn't answer my phone when he tried to call me and tell me there is a storm on its way.
15a. This will result in him calling my bff looking for me.
15b. I will also get caught in said storm and have some doucheclown stop in the traffic lane, under a bridge, blocking the road so we cannot pass and will be stuck in the hailstorm and turning my car into a golf ball.
16. Sick Niki is sick.
And now we're off to week 4. I hope we all feel well enough to attend and perform.