I'm having a reassessment at the mental health clinic at two. I'm so scared. I would rather a bus hit me right now than go.
This time I have written two sides of A4 to take with me, detailing how I feel, and certain issues I think are a problem. I sound like a fucking headcase.
The headings are: Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Sleep, Dreams, Alcohol,
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Comments 1
I know this sounds silly, but do remember I'm an MH nurse. You are less likely to do anything silly when you talk about things. If you don't talk or open up to the people they categorise you as more high risk.
I reckon they'll talk things through with you, make a couple of suggestions, whether that may be counselling - just to help perk you up a bit and to talk things through (Cognitive Behavioural Therapist) and maybe adjust any medication if there is any point that you feel worse in the day and just seeing if there is anything they can do.
If its reassuring, i don't think you'll be going anywhere! You ain't no headcase, and we all go through little phases. I went through a depression stage at 15, and almost another at the start of this year.
You know i'm always here if you wanna gab Missy
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