
Jun 06, 2006 22:30

First things first. Fate has conspired to bring me a dog.

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Comments 15

checkersumthing June 7 2006, 02:35:53 UTC
Sometimes things just happen like that. I got my first cat (and third one too) that way, and it just worked. If it hadn't been such a situation I'm sure my parents would have never said yes.


delyn14 June 7 2006, 02:42:52 UTC
Wow! The Simple Life house! Wow!


semiauto June 7 2006, 02:51:47 UTC
quel horror!!!


theyuck June 7 2006, 03:12:52 UTC
What a cutie! That is so great, welcome to dog mommyhood!

Ick on the simple life house. Ick ick. I'll admit though, I'm used to seeing stupid crap like that in nyc.


laxiola June 7 2006, 21:05:14 UTC
Thanks! I feel like a real dog mommy already. Talking stupid to him and everything.


coldfloral June 7 2006, 04:19:09 UTC
I saw that house on PITNB earlier today. It's cool that you're the one who sent it in!


roxy_fondue June 7 2006, 13:36:51 UTC
yeah, me too!

The Internet makes it a small world, doesn't it?


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