Yesterday, I was driving Lucas to a class at the Y and I started thinking about where my life stood at the moment. A stay at home mom (SAHM). I've never really had a moment where I wasn't proud of what I'm able to do with Lucas or thankful to have the chance. As much as I believe that Lucas is who he is because of Lucas and not me, I couldn't
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Comments 4
I also think that an education isn't something that you just "don't use", especially a liberal arts one. Saying that a SAHM is wasting their education implicitly assumes that what one learns in college is only useful for professional careers and not raising a child, which is non-obvious to me.
Anyways, I know I have yet to meet Lucas and everything, but for whatever it's worth, I'm proud of you.
separate note..
it makes me sad sometimes that most of my college friends have never met Lucas :-( partly because it means i haven't seen most of my college friends in forever...
i can't wait til someone invents a instantaneous transporter :-(
This is especially funny because my brother just finished filling out a part time application for starbucks. We have one down the road.. but most people here in New England prefer/are addicted to Dunkin Donuts.
I don't know how much their hot chocolates cost but if they had transporters, I would totally pay $5 for it! Even knowing that DD charges $2...
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