e: I'm now a IT Training Team Leader / IT Training Manager depending on who you ask, for Clarke Willmott - they are a law firm. My team and I train Lawyers on how to use IT, mostly bespoke legal software but Microsoft and mobile technology too. Mostly it involves me coming up with new and interesting things to do and sending out my minions to do it. f: That was from the first works Christmas party I went to at Clarke Willmott. It had a wild west theme so I went as an undertaker. Griff came over and did some make up work for me and the IT team. There was lots of drinking.
Comments 7
Cos you're my friend and I think you're fab x
b) Associate you with something -- a fandom, song, color, photo, etc.
your cloaks and corsets
c) Tell you something I like about you.
The way you never let anything beat you
d) Tell you a memory I have of you.
Funnily enough the same night at Jane's place
e) Ask you something I've wanted to know about you
How you met Ben in the first place
f) Tell you my favorite userpic from your list
The dark moody one
The dark moody one? Which?
a) Tell you why I friended you.
Because you're one of my closest friends
b) Associate you with something -- a fandom, song, color, photo, etc.
Live roleplay
c) Tell you something I like about you.
Your devoted loyalty
d) Tell you a memory I have of you.
Delievering powerpoint training in your ever so unique manner at Contact24
e) Ask you something I've wanted to know about you
What exactly is it that you work as again?
f) Tell you my favorite userpic from your list
The one with you in the top hat
f: That was from the first works Christmas party I went to at Clarke Willmott. It had a wild west theme so I went as an undertaker. Griff came over and did some make up work for me and the IT team. There was lots of drinking.
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