Holidays are awesome-pointless when you're Amanda.

Dec 02, 2008 23:40

So it's been a while - I've been busy doing shit all. 'Tis awesome. This is for Davo's viewing benefit until I upload the next vlog/rant. My bandwidth suffers every time I upload so I have to abstain for a few days just so I still have internetz before the 10th when the usage is renewed.

BLOC PARTY WAS ON TUESDAY - Photos are on my facebook. Most of them are either blurry or mostly black but I love them still, some shots kind of encapsulate the moshing experience and that's what I like most.

WEDNESDAY WAS LUNCHTIME FUN WITH UNI FRIENDS - We hung out at Broadway shopping centre before I had to duck off to go to work (which was also fun as usual). Photos are also on facebook, but here is the highlight of that day:

I HEART TRISTAN <3 He's the one who lent me $2 to play the damned arcade game which won those two Wall-E dolls. I started playing for funsies but then became obsessed with winning Wall-E and his girlfriend Eve. I had over 15 goes til I finally won. Well worth it though, thanks to Tristan so I gave him one of the Wall-E's.

HUNG OUT WITH KIMMY VO AND SIKKO [AKA THE CAMBO FROM CUMBO] ON THURSDAY - Just a chillout session with my gal-friday and her gal-friday, a lot of D&M-ing and junk food indulgences. Love these girls <3

FRIDAY WAS WORK AS WAS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY - It was an epic weekend of work and such. Friday night meant working with Tanny who is always a riot. We get up to so much shit though... in his words: "Too much faarrrn... not enough work darrrrn." Saturday is kind of the same thing with Joanna every week, as was Sunday with Elvis. A lot of laughing, mucking around and eating. It's not really work if I have too much fun. Saturday was different though because one of the kids brought in their dog. I think it had Parkinson's - it wouldn't stop shivering/shaking.


SUNDAY NIGHT/MONDAY MORNING WAS AN EPIC FREAK-OUT - I went to throw away some hair dye I used on Saturday night (my hair is now a subtle purple and red... or whatever colour you get when you mix purple and red. Magenta maybe?) and the bottle was pressurised or some shit. Long story short: imagine a geyser shooting out an explosion of menstrual blood. That's what my bathroom looked like. I spent 2-3 hours scrubbing and freaking out until finally I accepted defeat. After some consolation from Tan, Krishna and Jeffrey, I figured there wasn't much I could do... and I couldn't get into that much trouble from the folks. And I didn't. Dad was too sleepy to rage at me, I think. And Mum just ceased the opportunity to point out how useless I am. Pretty good reactions, better than I expected so yay! :) Here is what is left of the ceiling and keep in mind that the light is blinding and I used everything from bleach to the rough side of the sponge to try and clean it. I even contemplated painting over it using my old acrylics... but I didn't. Too stupid.

TUESDAY WAS SPONTANEOUS BABYSITTING DAY - I took care of Oscar when he woke up because Mum had to pick up my brother from school... What ensued was a whole bunch of traumatic experiences which leave me NOT wanting a child for some time. Basically, he did this huge poo and when I opened the nappy, it was EVERYWHERE. SO MUCH POO. Because he wouldn't stay still so I could change him. And on top of that, he peed on me at some point. Kind of like those babyborn ads, here the doll pees just as the remove the nappy. Yeah it was horrid. Even though there was poo everywhere on the bed, I did manage to get him cleaned up and then Oscar smiled and gurgled... And I couldn't stay mad at him. I think I still smell like baby poop.

This is another one of my nephew's toys that I want to steal. What sad 18 year old wants to steal toys from a toddler? Me, obviously. Awesome.

And for those curious and bored enough to read this, that was my week since my last post :)

+ Crowded House on Thursday!!
+ Chinese Laundry on Friday!!
+ Maybe a pubcrawl this Saturday/Sunday night!!

It's looking to be a good week :)

OH YEAH, my tickets for TIM MINCHIN came in the mail today. FUCK YEAH BRO, I LOVE HOLIDAYS <3

P.S. I don't have many friends in law, Kim... though I probably would recognise your Andrew, I just wouldn't know him very well, haha.
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