Title: Avengers Adventures in Texting
Characters: All
Rating: PG-13-ish
Disclaimer: I own nothing!
To: Tony
From: Steve
Steve: I think I might need your help with something.
Tony: I could make a list but go on.
Steve: I don’t understand the abbreviations people put in text messages. They don’t make any sense.
Tony: What do you mean?
Steve: I mean I don’t understand how they relate to conversations; most of them seem really out of place.
Tony: Like…?
Steve: What does “lol” mean?
Tony: Laugh Out Loud
Steve: Oh…
Tony: Why? What did you think it meant?
Tony: Hello?
Tony: Steve, darling, I’m going to find out either way so you might as well just tell me before I have to weasel it out of Banner or Clint.
Steve: I thought it meant Lady of Liberty…
Tony: Are you serious?
Steve: Yes.
Tony: What about “wtf”?
Steve: We The Free
Tony: “ftw”?
Steve: Fight The War
Tony: Oh good Lord…you’re such a patriot…
Steve: I’m from the 40’s! Everything was patriotic back then!
Tony: You and I need to have a serious tech talk to get transitioned into this era. Honestly, this is just sad…
Steve: I think I’d just rather be re-frozen…
A/N: Hope you all liked it! :D