Mind the Friends Page Gap

Jan 06, 2014 14:22

Account Status: All
Actions: Gap on the Friends Page
Theme: Flexible Squares

This is what your journal looks like...

But when you're on your Friends Page there is a gap!

Don't you just love LJ! I have yet to figure out why it does this but I can make the gap disappear.

1. In Customize Your Journal find your customized coding in the box. Find .headerimage which in my coding is almost always at the very bottom of the coding.

2. After this section add the coding section .lj-view-friends { margin-top: -10px; }

3. Now -10px is likely not going to close the gap. I usually start with -10px then add a few more (-15px). Then if there is still a gap I go a bit bigger (-20px). Still a gap (-25px)... the gap is gone, but we have to make sure we aren't overlapping under the navigation bar. So I'm going to go to -24px and see if there is a gap. If there is a small gap then you'll need to have it set to -25px. If there is no gap at all... I'd try -23px just to be sure. Again, gap go back to -24px no gap keep lowing it.

You want to find the exact number the gap is closed at so it doesn't throw off the header section.

BUT while that will close the gap to you .... it might not look so hot to everyone else as london_fan tells us....

london_fan tells us:

Well, the gap is a placeholder for messages to the journal owner, presumably the "please switch to our new friends feed" one, because the gap has been there, ever since this message was displayed months ago. LJ has removed the message, but never the gap for it!

And that's the reason your provided solution comes with a catch: It'll move the content of the friends page upwards, no matter who is watching the friends page, but the gap is only visible to the logged-in owner of the journal. Therefore the control_strip will now overlap with the content or headerimage by the number of pixels specified in your code for everyone viewing your friends page who isn't logged-in as the owner of the journal! It's probably no big issue assuming that very few people actually click other users' f-pages anyway, but I wanted to mention the issue, so people applying your code are aware of this side effect.

Ultimately I've tweaked the source code itself instead to remove the gap only if the viewer is the owner of the journal, but since that solution requires a theme layer it'll only work for a paid account. Therefore your code is still the best solution for anyone who can only tweak the custom CSS.

So maybe it is best to ignore the gap, should you come across it?

Questions? Please Comment.

account: paid-permanent, help with: coding, #account: all, .flexible-squares, help with: friends page

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