Hi. I'm Reiko and I'm a new member.
I don't know if this is allowed, so I'm going to post it. Please tell me if this is inappropriate.
I would like to make a request (if I may). However, I do want to learn how to make my own journal, so even if you can't make me a layout, I'd like some help in putting it together.
// Layout Request Form //
Your Email:naritareiko@gmail.com
Background Image Location:top center
Background Color: #660066
Table Background Color:#660066
Background Postition(left;right;center):center
Scrollbar Colors (2):#CC99FF & #660066
Font Family:Tahoma
Font Size: 8pt.
Font Color:#CC99FF
Link color:#CC99FF
Entry Postition (left,right,center):center
Entry border (color and size):#CC99FF 4pt.
Comments Text:Roses wither away... # roses
Any extra instructions:
Here's the image I want to use as my header.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/reiko_narita/Misc/619jemgraphicheader1.png I would like for my journal to look like this.
http://www.livejournal.com/community/magdalenaicons/ // End Request//