A Request :]

Feb 11, 2008 18:18

Page title: Happiness is a Warm Joe Anderson

Where would you like your entries? (right, left, center, etc.): right

Width of Entries (thin, normal, wide): thin enough that they will fit to the right of the graphic. (feel free to make the graphic smaller if it makes the entries ridiculously thin)

What type of border?(dashed, dotted, double, solid, inset, outset, or none): plain

- size:(1 being very thin and 10 being the thickest) 2
- color: brown3 #CD3333

Link colors:
- active: cichlid #003EFF
- visited: brown3 #CD3333
- unvisited: black #000000
- hover: cichlid #003EFF

Link effects (Blur, Glow, Letter Spacing, Overline, Underline and/or Overline, Line-Through, Uppercase, Lowercase, Border, Bold, Italic, Underline, Etc.): i'd like it to strikethrough once it's been visited, and have it switch to uppercase when it's hovered.

Cursor: crosshair

Background color: black #000000

Background color for journal entries: offwhiteblue(Safe Hex3) #CCCCFF

Background URL: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v633/ixstandxaccused/livejournal%20stuff/joecopy.png

Background placement: to the left(width-wise), in the center(height-wise)

Font: Century Gothic

Font color: brown3 #CD3333

Font size: 9px

Scrollbar colors: #CCCCFF for the face, and #003EFF for everything else.

Page Transition (please give the transition number): none

What do you want your comments to say?:
- Post Comment: mother superior,
- # of Comments: # jumped the gun

Any blinkie you want in between your comments? nope

If so, what? (Provide the website or image):

Is there anything else you want?: as far as the background image goes, feel free to mess around with it and make it look better... i have a text-less and a bigger version of it to work with if you'd like. also, I'd like the background to be stationary, and have the box with the entries in it have the scrollbar.

Comments For Us:

Email: haley_ewww@yahoo.com


Do you know how to put overrides into your journal? no... instructions would be helpful :]

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