Title: Sometimes truth needs a push.
Rating: NC-13 for gay kiss
Summary: Anthony is sick of Ian's lies and he decides to help truth a little bit.
Pairings: Ianthony
AN: A friend of mine send me a drawing she made. (Watch it here:
http://shipperr.livejournal.com/536.html) and I thought is was very cute, which gave me inspiration to write a story for it.
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Comments 3
Love the ending, it was so cute and fluffy, and it matches the picture perfectly :)
You need to post more, I love your writing <3
Thank you so much and pssht, I'm just finishing a one shot, which will be up in half an hour or so, I'll be happy to get more of your feedback! :D
I love your (oh so kind!) comments <3
It indeeeed totally fits my drawing!
Thank you soooow much I got to use it to paste it together with it and let it compete!
You deserve to win this challenge cause damn, your writing keeps on amazing me.
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