(no subject)

Jan 10, 2006 08:39

I know this post is going to make somewhat unpopular, particularly to any feminists who happen to be reading this - but no one else seems willing to say it.
Probably because it's not Politically Correct.
Or it might be that I am a sick, sick bastard. A chauvinist and general woman hater. But I doubt that bit very much.

This post will deal with a very hot topic for women - rape laws.
And in particular, how stupid I think they are.

Not the actual "If a women has sex without first giving her consent, or being forced to give consent by threat to life or personal wellbeing" rape law, but the other one.
About drinking and the like.

And the thing that bugs me most of all is that women can go to a bar, get so trashed they can't even stand up straight and then wake up in bed next to a stranger not knowing what they've done, scream rape and have the bloke hauled off to jail.
And yes I'm quite aware it's not quite that simple, but in the end, that is indeed what it boils down to.

My major problem with this, is the fact that this particular law devoids women of all responsibility concerning their sex life.
If you drink, you get drunk.
How can getting drunk be a get out of jail free card when it comes to tkaing responsibility for your actions?
What the hell is all this "drunken consent isn't consent" about anyway?
If the woman says "Yes I give my consent" why is it not good enough, because of the fact that the woman has been trashy enough to get so plastered that come the morning she wont remember a thing about the night before?

Surely by that logic if a man gets so drunk he can't remember a thing and wakes up next to someone he doesn't want to be next (maybe she's really ugly or something) he can claim sexual assault on the fact that him giving consent wasn't really consent given how drunk he was.
Or if a man gets drunk and gets some bird up the duff, can he then claim he doesn't have to pay Child Support because he was "too drunk so it doesn't count"?

Funny how the law works that way isn't it.
In the interest of feminism and the protection of women I'm sure you'll agree.

I'm not saying that women aren't allowed to go out and get drunk, my problem is the fact that the law says they have no responsibility for their actions whilst under the influence whilst the poor bloke in question gets the book thrown at him.

Why is it that women can rid themselves of all responsibility of their actions owing to "having a few too many" whereas men can't?
How does that make the law fair?
How does that make justice just?
And why the hell do women have an amnesty on any embarassing situations/stupid mistakes/drunken one night stands owing to their choice in lifestyle?

Pinpoint how that is fair, and I will relent.

Constructive criticism, valid factual points and appreciative comments will be responded to.

Bitching, complaining, telling me what a pig I am etc will promptly be deleted.
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