Well... it was my birthday on the 27th of April (which is now a long time ago) and I'm an old man now, at the ripe old age of 19... curses and damnations towards my withered old body... =(
For my birthday, I got lots of clothes - (some of which will be modelled in the photos which i took with my) - and a digital camera!
So I took photos like there's no tomorrow.
And just to be a bastard I'm going to make this post take forever to load by telling you the story of my last few weeks in picture form mwahahaha!
So... where to begin.
Hows about my.. birthday =D
I took this picture of me holding a (rather impressive I thought) fan of cards. It's nowhere near as easy as it looks...
whilst wearing a new t-shirt that i got for my birthday.
Later that day..
Chris arrived and we went to the pub where we played...
Pool. Because we are hardkaw mofos. And here Tim is trying to cheat me out of a shot whilst Sammeh on the other hand...
Tries to poke me in the eye.
I had college on Wednesday and whilst fighting with a piece of mineral insulation cable (it's pretty good fun until you have to start getting vicious with it...) I managed to crack my finger on a vice.
Which later did...
This to my finger.
Which is pretty nasty I'm sure you'll agree...
On Thursday I went to see Sammeh. And whilst I was there, we again went to the pub, to meet up with one of my friends from one of the forums I visit called Flash.
This is he.
And he kindly posed with me with his creepy murder book.
That looked something like...
Now, as well as being a ringmaster at a circus, an escapologist and a magician, he's also a balloon modeller. And made Sam this lovely...
Flower. Whilst I got a cool...
Motorbike =D
The day after that, whilst messing around in Sammeh's garden with my camera, somehow a decent shot of me happened!
It looked a little bit like...
This... in fact, it looked exactly like that.
And that my friends, is that.
No more pictures... yet.
No more udates for the next 3 years a time period until something happens.
I spent ages moving and resizing these photos, then uploading them, and writing this post. So if I don't get at least 5 10 comments I'll cry forever.
And they can't all be from the same person either... =P
Enjoy my life in colour!