My update can be broken down into a few things:
Well well well. On Sunday 22nd October I got to go to the Ipswich Magical Societies 19th Annual Convention. And what a great time I had! There was a lot of magic on sale, so I picked up one or two bits. Like a way of making ghosts show up on mobile phone cameras, a way of making ghostly messages appear on slates and a few psychic imitations which I use to prove I am NOT psychic =D Sensible huh. I also got some sponges and something by Jay Sankey, but I will get to that later.
There were lectures and stuff, which meant listening to geniuses of the art telling us how they got to be so good etc, a close up show which was throughly enjoyable and then an evening show, which meant seeing Paul Daniels perform his stage show which was hilarious and perfectly magical.
Here is photographic evidence that I am a twat I met Paul Daniels (obviously you don't need photographic proof that I looke like a twat...)
And then some pictures of me with Michael J Fitch, Oz Pearlman and Roy Davenport respectively.
And then a nice one of me and Sam... =)
I also bought at the Ipswich Magical Society Convention, a copy of a DVD by Mr Jay Sankey, on doing magic with small lumps of sponge. Here is a link to a video of me doing magic that i learnt/ad libbed from the DVD. 3)
I got me a copy of Derren Browns new book today! Hooray!
It's very good and I've learnt quite a lot from it, including a very sexy memory aid and a few bits of 2psychic abilities" which I can again use to prove I am not psychic.
Fasntastic stuff!
So there it is then.
An update of nothing important whatsoever. But if you were expecting that, then you probably shouldn't have read this update =D