A thingie thing taken from
Question: If you were stuck in a room with all of your exes, old crushes/infatuations, and friends with benefits/fuck buddies for 24 hours, and you could say anything to them without any consquences or repercussions, what would you say to them?
I guess I'll tackle this chronologically. Starting way back in the day.
With the exception of one person, I don't hold any grudges and hope they're doing well. So I will leave that unsaid. They would understand from my manner that I hold no ill will, I'm sure.
- Wow. And I always thought I was so smart. I'm glad I lost interest in you when I did. I don't hold any grudges or anything... I hope you've conquered your addiction.
- I always tell people that you were my first young love. And you were. I wish you were still around for me to talk to. I do miss you. Maybe I don't feel it every day, but I do miss you. I wish I could ask you why. For that matter, I wish I could ask you anything. I remember you on your birthday every year. Take care of my brother...
- I don't know why I tried to make you the answer to all my problems. You did break my heart, but that's only because I was so stupid at the time. I can see that now, but it didn't hurt any less. As for the bet that I found out about, neither of you would have won.
- I hope you're doing well.
- What is it with me and this name? You should brush your teeth more. No, seriously. I couldn't take it anymore; that's why I left.
- Ah, my first. Thank you for that. So many women hang on to unsavory guys just because he was the first. You spared me that trauma. I hope you're living the life you want to live. I'm sure I'll always remember you. (Especially since I wrote about it all in my diary. LOL) As for the whole GOS thing, I've had better.
- I hate you. You are the only person I hate in the world. Stay the fuck away from me. I can't forgive you for what you did. I still have nightmares, occasionally, though they are increasingly rare (thank God). Fuck you.
- I'm sorry that... well I guess I pretty much strung you along. You know it was unintentional, and I don't think you blame me, but I am still not happy with my behavior. I did like you, but it never would have worked. You gave me the courage to escape; thank you.
- You were pretty amazing. I mean, wow. But it didn't work. I wonder if we both knew it wouldn't... I hope you're doing well. (I used to check up on you via your website (how appropriate), but that's gone now.) It was amazing sex while it lasted. Though there was never enough of it.
- I call you the guy that got away. Beautiful, intelligent, sexy, AND you had the job I wanted! I think I idolized you. Once you put someone on a pedestal it's hard to act normally around him. I would have cheated on my boyfriend with you. I wonder if I still would. Probably not, if only because you've gotta be like mid 30s now. At least I have my memories. How sweet they are. (PS - OMG you were INCREDIBLE. LOL)
- I think we've both said what needed to be said. I'm sorry the way things turned out. I'm glad we both grew up. And you never did email me about hanging out that time.
- I could probably start a support group for people who have survived any sort of relationship with you. You're a great friend--for a limited amount of time. Then it's time to leave. Thanks for turning me on to all sorts of good music.
- Do I even include you on this list? Nothing has ever happened, and I doubt anything ever will. But sometimes I wonder... what if. And I wonder if you ever felt that way. C'est la vie. C'est l'amour.
- A pretty face to keep me company in a lonely land. You weren't more than that. I hope I didn't make you think you were.
Hm. There's definitely more I could say. Once upon a time, I wrote a whole bit about all the guys in my life. (I can't remember if it just included boyfriends or if it had the couple guys who were... FTF.) And then at that moment, while I was writing about the latest guy to be a dick to me, he made his appearance be known. Yes, he hacked my computer and tried to delete the contents of my HD at the moment I was writing about him. I learned my lesson about being unnecessarily nasty. LOL
I really don't hold a grudge against any of them (except that ONE guy). I hope they don't hold grudges against me. I was young and stupid sometimes.
The intimate lives of strangers is always interesting to me. Is this the same for others?
I can picture a book... hmm...