Title: Heaven's Greatest Birthday Gift
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Romance, Angst
Rating: PG - 13
Summary: The greatest birthday gift Kyuhyun has ever received.
A/N: For Kyuhyun's birthday and the one-shot I promised my dear Eli
eliluvzeu ^^
It was on your birthday that the most unexpected event happened. It was on your birthday that the most important person in your life left. It was on your birthday that you lost him.. the one you thought you'd spend forever with. It was on your birthday that he finally went back to the Heavens.
A year has passed and the members of top boy group Super Junior, along with their fans, the ever-loving E.L.F.s, were still grieving over their loss of the aegyo king, Lee Sungmin. The man who grew up to be a lover of bunnies and the color Pink left the Earth after getting hit by a speeding car while crossing the busy streets of Seoul after filming for an episode of Star King.
The one who couldn't accept, or might never accept, what happened was the group's evil magnae, Cho Kyuhyun. Sungmin and him had something very special blossoming between them. Though fans call them as the KyuMin couple, they never really knew that the two were really in love with each other. They might not be that affectionate on stage, but behind it all, no one really knew the tender hugs and gentle kisses the two would share when they're alone, or maybe even what the two would do while inside their shared room.
Kyuhyun's world fell apart after being informed by their angelic leader, Leeteuk, of what happened to the one he loves the most. What made things worse was that he lost him on the day of his birthday, just after the clock striked 12 AM, indicating that he was about to turn another year older. Though this time, he had to celebrate it without him, without his Lee Sungmin. Since then, Kyuhyun never showed any emotions, as he was trying to numb himself from the pain, knowing that Sungmin was gone and is never coming back.
When he's alone and lying on their used-to-be-shared-bed, he would cry and reminisce the things he had with Sungmin. He would even hug the bunny plushie he remembered giving to Sungmin, on the latter's birthday, and would talk to it like it would reply back to him. It was the only thing that was left of Sungmin, the bunny plushie and the memories he knew he would never be able to replay in real life again.
Every night, before he goes to sleep, he would pray to the heavens and beg them to bring back Sungmin. A year has passed and nothing, no sign of Lee Sungmin anywhere. Why did he have to leave on the day of his birthday? Why did he leave when it was the day he needed him to be by his side? Kyuhyun knew he was asking for too much, impossible was the right word. Tomorrow was his birthday, but it was no longer a special day, for it was the day he lost him.. lost him forever.
The clock striked midnight and it was already Kyuhyun's birthday. The youngest member woke up and he could feel a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. When he checked under the blanket, he was surprised to see someone sleeping beside him, hugging him to be exact. He was about to scream but no voice came out.
Out of the oblivion, a bright light was shining through the room's window. It wasn't the light of the moon or the lamppost outside, it was something, something beautiful. "I'm giving him back to you, but please, take care of him and never hurt him nor leave him" The unfamiliar light told Kyuhyun. A lot of thoughts ran through his mind as he was trying to see if it was an illusion or not. Is this real? Is this really happening? Is he really the one in my arms? The light was starting to fade and Kyuhyun was making his way to dreamland.
The next day, Kyuhyun woke up and sadness enveloped his body as he realized he was alone in bed. He could still recall clearly what happened after midnight, but seeing that he was the only one on the bed right at the moment made him understand that last night indeed was only a delusion.
He made his way out of the room and was expecting birthday greetings, only to find that he was all alone in the 11th floor dorm. A sudden noise in the kitchen was what scared away his sadness for a while. As he went to the kitchen to check on who made that racket with the sudden falling of a pan, he was surprised to see him. There, standing with his back facing Kyuhyun, was Sungmin, baking a cake.
Kyuhyun started talking small steps, making his was towards him. He was a little scared, because maybe, just maybe, if he touches him, he'd disappear, just like those in the movies. A touch of Sungmin's cheek was all it took for Kyuhyun to realize that he was real, he was really in front of him. The latter was surprised, but greeted him with a smile, a hug and a kiss. "Happy Birthday, Kyu"
Tears started pouring from Kyuhyun's eyes as he was finally able to hold him once again, not fading away, for the second time, after a year of pain and brokenness. "You're back! You're really here!" He tightened his hug more as he was trying to enjoy the moment. "I love you and I promise to always protect you" Sungmin was confused of what Kyuhyun was uttering, but he was too busy enjoying the hug to even ask.
Kyuhyun couldn't be more thankful enough that his life was complete again, that he was happy again. While he was hugging Sungmin, he was also thanking the Heavens for giving him back, for giving him the greatest birthday gift ever.
A/N: Fail, fail, fail. ;~; Happy birthday, Kyuhyun! <3 My dear Eli, as promised. I hope you like it, despite the fail and everything. ;~;