Title: Potty Time For Sungmin
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Romance, Humor
Rating: R
Summary: Sungmin just had to go do her business when Kyuhyun was about to take his bath.
Warning: Genderswitch and touching
Sungmin decided to have a sleep over at her best friend's place. She and Kyuhyun have been together ever since the latter moved in next door. Their parents allowed them to have sleep overs, even though they were of the opposite sex, thinking that the two only saw each other as company, nothing more, nothing less.
Even when they had already reached their legal age, their parents still allowed them to have sleep overs, even though their hormones were very active. There are times that their parents would leave them alone together, thinking that neither of them would break their trust.
"Kyu.." Sungmin moaned as she felt something coming out of her butt.
"Kyuhyun!" She yelled this time as she could feel it again.
When she noticed that the former wasn't answering, Sungmin decided to get out of the bed and run to the bathroom. Yes, they sleep together on one bed, but nothing has ever happened.. yet.
It was already 8 AM when Kyuhyun woke up and noticed that his best friend wasn't beside him anymore. He looked around his room and noticed that the bathroom door was open. Kyuhyun decided to take a look inside and check if Sungmin was there.
When he was already inside and noticed that the bathroom was empty, Kyuhyun decided to take a bath, thinking that Sungmin was already downstairs, preparing breakfast.
When Kyuhyun was done taking off his clothes, he walked towards the bathtub with half-lidded eyes, but as soon as he opened the shower curtain, his eyes grew wide at what he saw. Sungmin was half-naked and was sleeping in the bathtub.
Kyuhyun felt his cock twitch and it became hard as soon as he stared at her entrance.
As soon as Sungmin felt someone in the bathtub, her eyes flashed open and she was greeted by someone's cock. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Rape" She yelled but a hand covered her mouth. When she noticed whose cock it was, all she could do was stare at him.
"Shh.. Sungmin, it's only me" Kyuhyun reassured her and removed his hand from her mouth.
When they noticed their awkward position, neither of them wanted to move, until Kyuhyun spoke. "Well.. I guess you should.. uhmm.. go"
While Kyuhyun was speaking, Sungmin was staring at her best friend's cock. She could feel herself getting wet, but she had to control herself. Sungmin has always been in love with Kyuhyun, but she chose to hide it, thinking that the latter only saw her as a friend.
Sungmin nodded at what Kyuhyun said, got out of the bathtub and ran towards the latter's bedroom, still half-naked. Kyuhyun could only laugh at his best friend's silliness, but at the same time, his heart was beating fast. Seeing her half-naked only made things worse. He was madly in love with her, but he had to control himself from touching her, thinking that their friendship would end if he revealed his true feelings for her.
As soon as Kyuhyun finished taking a shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist, only to be aroused by what greeted him as soon as he came out of the bathroom. Sungmin was busy picking up something from the floor, her holes facing Kyuhyun.
As much as he tried to control himself, lust had already taken it's course. Kyuhyun headed towards Sungmin and pulled her up from her position. When their gazes met, Kyuhyun's towel fell off and Sungmin met his cock again. "I love you and I can't hide this anymore.." Kyuhyun confessed before he ravished Sungmin's shivering lips.
Sungmin smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Kyuhyun's neck. She jumped and wrapped her legs around the latter's waist which made them fall back into the bed, with her on top of him. And, well, you know what happens next. ;)
A/N: That wasn't humorous at all. .___. LOL. xD Haven't been very active these past few weeks on LJ, sorry. ;___; I promise to reply to your comments as soon as my term break starts. ^^