Title: Special Delivery
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Even the littlest things can brighten up a stubborn woman's day, well, that's what Kyuhyun thinks.
Warning: Genderswitch
"I know it's due next week! Yes, yes. I'll take care of it. Stop shouting! I can hear you loud and clear. Yeah. Hmm. Bye" It was just like any ordinary and stressful day for Lee Sungmin, the secretary of the editor-in-chief of Elle Korea.
"That woman needs to get a man to make her happy. Milk tea can't cheer her up anymore. Psh." She said as she ended the call from Kim Ryeowook, in charge of the Features section of the magazine and her best friend.
Just as she was about to leave her apartment, someone knocked on the door and shocked her, making her drop her papers on the floor. "Damn it! Now I feel like I need a man too, someone who can help me with my life."
After picking up the pile of submitted documents on the floor, Sungmin tried to calm herself before opening the door. "Good morning, Ms. Lee. I'm here for my cleaning services."
"Ah, good morning, Minki. I was just about to leave for work. Don't forget to lock the door after you finish cleaning" The said guy just nodded and Sungmin left the apartment.
When the door was closed, Minki placed down his cleaning tools and fished his pocket for his phone. He pressed 1 and a few rings later, the other line answered. "Hyung, I'm in. Just wait for her to leave the building then you can come up."
"Hello? What now, Wookie?! Can you please stop rushing me? I'm gonna grow stands of gray hair if you don't stop stressing me. Yes, I already have the photos. I'll see you later. Stop calling me!" Sungmin groaned and headed for the bus stop.
"I don't want you to grow strands of gray hair yet. We have to grow old together first" A man spoke after passing by Sungmin. He was Cho Kyuhyun, the son of the owner of Cho Cleaning Services.
"That sounded creepy, Kyuhyun. You're gonna freak her out" He wanted to smack himself on the head for saying such sentences. It was a good thing Sungmin didn't hear him.
Ever since he accompanied his younger brother, Minki, to Sungmin's apartment after the lass called for their cleaning services, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about her after.
Since then, he would drop by Minki for his daily cleaning services, and once Sungmin was out of the building, he would go up to her apartment and help his younger brother or inspect his crush's place.
Even though they came from a rich family, they had to become one of the cleaners in order for them to earn their own money, though their parents would still give them their daily allowance for working hard.
"You have to do this in order to know how it feels like to earn and spend your own money and for you to become independent as well" Their mother would say before the siblings leave for work.
Kyuhyun graduated from college with his own money, while Minki was still under his parents' support since he was still in high school.
Since it was summer, they had the whole week to work, but their shifts would end before lunch time. "We don't want to be so hard on you" Their father commented after giving them their shifts.
A few minutes later, Kyuhyun knocked on the door and Minki turned off the vacuum cleaner to open the door. "I'll clean her room!" The former said as he rushed inside and headed towards Sungmin's room, the latter just rolled his eyes and proceeded to cleaning the living room.
"Nothing's changed. The room is still pink and her pictures are still of herself. No sign of any boyfriend anywhere. Well, it's because I'm going to be her boyfriend soon. Hahaha" Kyuhyun said as he lied down on the bed and inhaled Sungmin's scent.
"Hyung, can you please stop doing that? You sound like some psycho" Minki yelled from the living room.
"I should really learn how to close the door before saying my thoughts out loud" Kyuhyun said as he got up and began cleaning the room.
As soon as they were finish cleaning the apartment, Kyuhyun pulled out something from one of his bags and placed it on the coffee table in the living room.
"I can't take it anymore. That Choi Siwon was such a pain in the butt today! "I want a clean shirt... I want this... I want that..." Oh, I'll give you a slap in the face alright" Sungmin slumped herself on the couch as soon as she got home from work.
Apparently, the actor slash model they worked with today was so whiny that she had to control herself from hitting the guy with the iPad she was holding.
"Great! I forgot to turn on the lights. You're such an idiot, Minnie" As soon as she switched on the lights, she was surprised to see a bouquet of roses on the coffee table.
Sungmin sat down again and picked up the bouquet. She smelled the flowers and smiled at how fragrant it was. Afterwards, she pulled out the card that was placed in between the roses and read it; "Smile. You're beautiful. ;)"
She blushed after the reading the card, but wondered who it was from and how did the sender get inside her place. "Maybe it was from Minki. Such a sweet dongsaeng."
The next day came and Sungmin prepared a lovely and healthy meal for Minki. She wanted to thank him for giving her the bouquet as it somehow soothed her senses and made her forget about the stressful day she had.
When the doorbell rang, she put on her best smile, but as soon as she opened the door, her facial expression turned into a surprised one. "Oh, you're Minki's brother, right? Where is he?"
Kyuhyun felt a slight pang in his chest when Sungmin looked surprised to see him in his younger brother's place. "Uhmm, he's busy right now, so I'll be the one cleaning your place."
"I see. Well, I prepared breakfast for him to thank him for the bouquet he left yesterday, but you can have it. Say thanks to him for me. I have to go now. What's your name again?"
"Okay, Ms. Lee. I'm Kyuhyun. K-Y-U-H-Y-U-N. Kyuhyun!" He said with a huge grin on his face.
"Aww. You're just as adorable as Minki. Take care of my place, okay, Kyu? You don't me calling you that right?"
"You can call me anything you want, Ms. Lee."
As soon as Sungmin left, Kyuhyun squealed like a fanboy and feasted on the meal Sungmin prepared. "She noticed me! She knows my name! She called me Kyu! This tastes delicious! This just made me fall for her more! I do sound like a psycho..."
When Sungmin got home after another stressful day, she was hoping to see a bouquet on the coffee table again, but as soon as she slumped on the couch, she got more than what she bargained for. "Ouch!"
"OMG! Who's there?" Sungmin got up from the couch after realizing she sat on someone and when she heard the person groan. "I know Martial Arts!"
As soon as she turned on the lights, she was surprised to see Kyuhyun still asleep with a bouquet in hand. "He's still here?" Sungmin moved towards the said guy and knelt on the floor.
She admired Kyuhyun's features and blushed as she remembered what she heard earlier. "He looks like a nice and handsome guy though" The girl thought.
Sungmin moved closer and caressed Kyuhyun's lips with her thumb. She just met the guy, but it looks like her heart was already beating madly for him.
She was about to kiss him when the guy woke up and made her jerk up from her position. "Oh, I'm sorry I fell asleep here. I came back to give you th-... Uhhh" Talk about awkwardness.
"So it was you, not your brother" Sungmin giggled.
"It's okay, Kyu. I've never received flowers from anyone before, so I'm really thankful."
"But you're beautiful!" Kyuhyun = Awkwaaaaard. "I mean, you're a really nice person. Why wouldn't anyone give you flowers?"
Sungmin blushed at Kyuhyun's statement. "I don't know, but I think there was only one person meant to give me flowers. Maybe he's the one who's meant for me."
"Oh... Oh! It's me..." Kyuhyun said after realizing what Sungmin meant. He will forever be slow.
"I like you, Kyu" Sungmin giggled.
"I love you too!" Another awkward moment for him. "I mean, I like you too." Kyuhyun said as he handed the bouquet.
"Don't worry. I already know who I'll love forever. Hehe. Just ask me."
Kyuhyun remained rooted on his spot after hearing Sungmin's statement. In his mind, however, "OMG! She likes me too. No wait, she's already sure that she wants to be with me! OMG! OMG! OMG!"
Since Kyuhyun remained immobile in his place, Sungmin moved closer to him and kissed him. When the former finally kissed back and wrapped his arms around her waist, she broke the kiss. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Mr. Cho."
A few months later, "Everything went fast, even though you're slow, but I love you so much, Kyuhyun and I know I made the right choice" Sungmin said to the sleeping guy on her lap.
"Oh, wake up, Kyu! It's on" Kyuhyun woke up after Sungmin kissed him. Ah, the power of a kiss.
"Please welcome on stage, Nu'Est! Here are Aaron, Baekho, JR, Minhyun and Ren!" The MC's voice echoed through the television.
"So that's what Minki's been busy with" Sungmin giggled, but was surprised to receive an unexpected kiss from Kyuhyun.
"I love you too, Min, more than you love me" He kissed her again. "Now, excuse me while I finish cleaning your house."
A/N: Minki = Ren of Nu'Est. Hehehe. :D Sorry for not updating. I've been very busy and even though it's already my summer vacation, I don't know if I'll be able to update since laziness won't leave me alone. I don't even know if I made sense in what I just wrote. GAAAAAH. :| :(