Dark Angel Big Bang 2012 - A Fairytale of Seattle

Sep 01, 2012 15:15

“Where have you been? And where’s the wood?” Max berates the boys as they walk back into the clearing looking a bit roughed up and without any of the wood that they had gone to get.

“We decided it was a warm enough day and smoke would only bring attention to where we are hiding.” Logan gives the lamest cover up excuse I’ve ever come across.

“Right, ok. Well Logan, you look worn out, you should take this time to rest. Alec and I will scope out the prison and work out our plan of action,” Max says.

Logan smiles, both at Max and at Logan, then settles down and promptly falls straight to sleep.

“So, Alec, you know this place better than I do, I can only remember what it was like before I escaped. What do you think our best plan of action should be?” Max gets right down to business.

“Poison. Poison the guards and all those that are working on the Manticore project and then let everyone out,” Alec says after a moment. “There are enough random experiments with pissed off people turned animal that we can leave them to destroy the place and take Logan home before he gets into any more trouble.”

Max nods. “Good plan. Where do we get poison from?”

“There’s a vat of it in the kitchens of the prison. It’s always full and is used for the prisoners convicted of most heinous crimes that are to be put to death. All we have to do is put it into the wine bottles and convince everyone to drink it.” Alec looks thoughtful.

“That is going to be our main problem,” Max says.

Alec shakes his head. “Not really. The wine is what all the workers drink at dinner time so as long as we taint it before dinner, they’ll all drink it!”

Sounds like a plan to me.

“So, we going in now?” Max jumps up.

She’s all about the action this one. Wants to get right on it and poor old Logan’s wiped out sleeping like our very own sleeping beauty. A fact that hasn’t got past Alec, the way he’s looking at him. He really shouldn’t be doing that right now. He’s got to get his head back on the mission.

“We can’t leave Logan here and I’m not so sure we should wake him up after all the action he’s had....” Alec starts but it’s too late, Max is already waking him up.

“Wha....” Oh, sleepy Logan is just pick him up and put him in your pocket scrumptious!

“We gotta blaze, got some poisoning to do.” She’s not even being gentle with him. No wonder he’s falling for Alec’s charms instead.

Now Max is off, commando-ing through the edge of the trees to get closer to the prison. That girl just loves to kick some ass!

“What’s the plan?” Logan asks.

“Poison the wine, wait until dinnertime, all the guards will drink it, we’ll gain access to the prison and let everybody out.” There’s Alec’s smirk again, like the cat that’s got the cream...

“Sounds like nothing could go wrong!” Logan’s being sarcastic; we haven’t seen that of Logan before, maybe its what happens when he gets rudely awakened.
No chance for him to get any more sarcasm out though, Alec’s playfully cuffed him round the head and sent him off after Max.

The vulture’s still there, admiring the view and eyeing the three of them just to make sure they aren’t there to shoo him off. He’d have to peck them if that was the case. This is his spot and he won’t be moving for anybody. Luckily for him, they’re more interested in getting into the prison unseen than worrying about the vulture sat on the sign outside.

Max is looking like she’s going to make a dash for it across the moat then across the green to the front door...

“No! Wait!” Alec’s yelling at her in a loud whisper. So it’s not really a yell, but hell, you know what I mean. It’s not like any of the characters are doing what I want them to....

“What?” She’s whisper-yelling back at him.

“There’s a better way to get in,” he tells her.


“Follow me.”

Logan followed all that with the same bemused expression on his face that I’d have on mine... if I had a face...

Alec is now leading them around the side to a spot covered by the overhanging trees where the moat heads into the prison.

“This is the water supply they use. We can get in through here.”

“They use this for people to drink?” Logan sounds as disgusted as I feel.

We’re on the same wavelength here, if I had fingers I’d be frantically waving them between his head and mine....if I had a head that is....

“Get over it; we’re going to let them all out remember?” I think that Max is pissed that Alec came up with a better way of getting in than she did.

She’s now splashed into the moat and is making her way up towards the prison, keeping to the shadowed side of the moats banks. Logan’s just shrugged at Alec and followed her, keeping Alec at the back in case they get attacked from that side.

“Woah! Wait! You can’t just!” Logan’s having a bit of a freak out right about now.

I’m not at all surprised (like minds thing again...) Max has just disappeared under the solid stone wall that is the outer wall of the prison, expecting Logan and Alec to follow.

“Come on Logan, you can do it. Nothing else you can do at this point.” Alec’s attempt to make Logan feel better about this isn’t exactly good, but it does point out the fact that they’ve got this far so they’ve just got to keep on going.

Logan takes a deep breath and plunges beneath the water.

I can’t take this. They’ve all gone underwater and under the building and I can’t see how they’re doing! The water is so murky and pitch black where it goes under the water and into part of the basement that until they surface I have no idea if they’ve survived!

Wait! BUBBLES!! Here’s Max, phew, that took a long time. I hope Logan manages to hold his breath that long. I think Max must be on my wavelength on this one; she’s taken a deep breath and headed back under to look for the others.

That was a good thing for her to do. She must’ve found Logan and dragged him up to the surface for air before he passed out. He’s really not looking too good and she’s hoisting him onto the side to give him a chance to recover as Alec surfaces and leaps out to see how he’s doing. Maybe he is a good boyfriend after all.

“Come on, we’ve got to move quick before someone catches us.” Better than the girlfriend Max would be apparently.

She’s off, with Alec close on her heels to make sure she goes the right way. Logan is up and after them but he’s definitely not got their super powers and you can see how much all this is affecting him. He’s following them, but he’s only just managing to keep up. Needs a bit more breath in his lungs after that water episode.

No time for that though. The kitchen’s only on the next floor up and they’ve already reached the corridor it’s on. They’re currently hiding in the stairwell with Alec looking out to see who’s about.

“I’ve got a plan,” Alec says suddenly as an idea hits him.

“Spill.” Max, oh she of little words.

“I’m going in as myself; as if I’ve been sent in there. I’ve been in there before with orders from the boss, so this should work. They’ll just think I’m one of his elite guards.” Alec grins.

“I don’t like this. You could quite easily be turning on us, going in to them, leaving us here and instead of planting the poison you’ll actually be turning us in.” Max obviously still doesn’t trust him, even after he saved their lives.

“Believe me, that is not what I’m going to do.” He’s staring quite specifically at Logan.

“I believe you,” Logan tells him. “Max, this is the only way we’re going to be successful. You’ve got to let him go.”

Well, if I hadn’t seen what I’d seen in the woods I’d be with Max on this one. Reluctant. But she’s letting him go because Logan gave her his puppy dog eyes and she obviously melted at that. I mean, what woman wouldn’t? Or man, apparently...ahem...think cold shower thoughts, think cold shower thoughts...

But enough of Logan Drooling, Alec’s headed off without waiting for any further discussion so Max and Logan are now waiting nervously for him to come back. The stairs are dark, but the corridor to the kitchen is lit by a torch and the flickering light is playing havoc with Logan’s imagination. He keeps jumping at the ghosts the shadows are making on the floors and walls. So much so that he jumps and almost shouts out loud; clamping his hands over his mouth to stop himself, when Alec suddenly appears back at their sides.

“Done, and from the smell of dinner it’s almost time for them to partake.” The grin on Alec’s face is nothing short of evil.

Neither Max nor Logan seem to have a response to that and, for the moment, all that can be heard is the slight gasping breaths of Logan and the flickering of the torch. It’s quite dull, actually.

“Did you hear that?” Max asks, forgetting that no everyone has super hearing like she does.

“Yes, that’s the first one dropping, and that must be the rest of them quickly following suit!” Oh, right, yes, Alec has super hearing too.

Although, I did hear the collective thump. The poison has worked.

“Let’s get moving then.” Logan says, all trying to take charge!

It’s kind of sweet.

“I’ll lead the way.” Alec is now running commando style back up the corridor leading them to the inner world of Manticore.

It’s quite clever, really. There’s a cell within the solitary confinement block that leads to the rest of the building; the hidden building. The part where Max’s childhood memories come back to life and where Alec lives. Although, he really did keep his word so maybe I should be saying lived. They are at the door to let them through and now comes the hard part. They may have poisoned the wine, but really, can they be so sure that the whole place drank some?

“Well, well, well! Looks like my favourite wolf has done his job properly yet again!” Lydecker drawls.

Sometimes, I just hate being right.

“Run! Set the others free, I’ll sort this one out!” Alec launched into an attack the moment he started speaking.

This could be interesting. He’s fighting Lydecker. A super soldier against his boss, who is holding his own even though he doesn’t have the whole super thing going on for him.

“GO!” Max and, particularly Logan have hesitated a split second but Alec’s shout gets them moving again.

Logan is releasing the locks on all the doors they find whilst Max is fending off the lesser able guards. Now that other super’s have been released the job is getting easier and easier. There are a lot of angry experiments in this place.

“Come on, we’ve got to get out of here. I should be able to remember the way back to the mirror I escaped through last time,” Max yells at Logan.

“But, what about Alec?” Logan is hesitating, looking back through the carnage they are wreaking behind them as they go.

“He’ll be ok, come on!” Max is losing this battle, Logan hasn’t moved.


Alec suddenly appears through the carnage.

“See! I told you he’d be ok!” Max says smugly.

With Alec close on their heels, Logan turns and follows Max.

“Look! I told you I recognise this! That’s the mirror we escaped through the first time!” Max yells, pointing excitedly.

Max is ushering the other two through, none of the other Manticore inmates have followed them this far; they are all still wreaking havoc throughout the jail and some are heading out into the other nine Kingdoms to find a place for themselves. Max jumps through after Alec and they all find themselves on top of the Space Needle in Seattle with the moon shining brightly above them.

“Welcome to my world.” Logan is smiling at Alec and I know that I should be angry because I wanted him to be with Max, but they are adorable...and hot...and... think cold shower thoughts, think cold shower thoughts...

Oh great, now they’re kissing again, that’s not helping me at all.

Max has turned to leave with a very Alec like smirk on her face like she knew this was going on all along! They’ve all been conspiring against me! So not fair!

The two boys are oblivious to everything though; all lit up by the moonlight and clasping each other like they may never let go again....

dark angel big bang, fanfic, the 10th kingdom, writing

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