Some women like men, some are lesbians; feminine toothpaaaaaaaste

Dec 28, 2008 01:00

Holidays update woohoo.  I hope all of you had a good Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, or Waitangi Day.  Wait, Waitangi isn't until February.  Rats.

So, Christmas was nice.  I think the only downside this year was the "buying gifts for family" part.  My family always tends to wait until the last possible minute to (a) buy things and (b) put up and decorate the tree, and this year was no exception.  I'm proud to say that not only did I survive Christmas Eve traffic at the mall, but I also easily found all the gifts I had planned on buying.  Nothing big, but we don't really do big gifts in this house, so its all good.  Julia got Kirby Ultimate for the DS from my parents, and Professor Layton's Curious Village from me.  My parents got a lot of chocolate, and a few small things.

What did I get?  First let's start with breakfast, as this is important.  Every year I have succeeded in talking my mother into making a mountain of bacon for me.  Let's bask in the glory for a moment...

Don't worry guys, there was V8 Splash in that glass, so I'm good.   ...You know, this camera angle doesn't really do justice to how tall and large that stack of bacon truly was.

So, on to my gift!  We're tight on money right now, and I really didn't want/need anything, so I only got one thing, but its great.  Not only did Julia make it, but she apparently made it in 4 hours on Christmas Eve when she realized that nobody else had gotten me anything.

C-c-check it out:

That, my friends, is a plushie snail.  He's ADORABLE.  He now lives on top of my computer's LCD screen; his little front legs hold him up there nicely.

Amazingly enough, I got bored while taking the photos and took this of me and the snail.  Knowing how rare it is that I would actually take a photo of myself and LIKE IT and PUT IT ONLINE, you all should be amazed.

Aaaaaaand that's the end of the photos.

Anyone got good New Year's plans?  I'll be with the usual crew; Dan, Amanda, Bob, Lizzie, and Mike.  Franco's back in the area now, so he'll be there too.  Its good to see him.  We'll all be doing hibachi at Neko Sushi down on Rt. 9, and then hanging at Dan's all night.  I can't wait.

Oof.  Time for bed.

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