what a bitch

Jan 06, 2007 00:52

so when i was out tonight we stopped in a walgreens in an other town. its about 10:35 ish maybe and i needed to buy something. i get distracted by the random objects in the store as i look for something then some lady that worked there, who looked like she was shopping not working, asks if we need help. we don't so we go our separate ways. a ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

siriusblack477 January 7 2007, 05:30:44 UTC
i was gunna say the one in danvers closes at 12 i thought but then i saw the part where you said other town and was like oh my comment is useless but then i decided that comments are fun and il post it anyway. Yea thats all i got. friggen walgreens bitch!


lazysusan89 January 7 2007, 07:02:53 UTC
yeah i thought it was til 12 too and i'm glad you still commented. that bitch!


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