I FINALLY decided to order my copy of Deathly Hallows tonight...(I KNOW! I'M SO LATE) but I couldn't decide if we were going to be in NYC or NJ for that weekend..but now it's locked and it's done and we're going to be in the city. OMG PLEASE! I pray to the Gods of the New York Postal system PLEAAAAAZE let me get my book on time PLEEEASE!!!! (the earlier on Sat. the better). I don't think I'm going to do any of the midnight events...that might just be PURE MADDNESS in the city. Plus, I know I'm going to have MASSIVE GEEKING with my Potti gals the weekend before when we see OotP opening night (we ARE going, yes ladies?) Details TBA for any other local folks who'd like to tag along.. ;)
OMG! The Potter love is rising in me again! I wish I could draw...my hands don't want to cooperate anymore :P Tho I did doodle this awhile ago, it's about the nly thing I've actually been happy with.. ;)
Cuz, as of now, in my cannon THIS TOTALLY HAPPENED in Half Blood Prince. I mean srisly, Good Luck Potion and the tension between these two? How could it not!
In other news I had a rather AWESOME DAY wherein I BOUGHT A SKIRT at H&M!! This is eventful due to the fact that when I moved here I could not fit into anything from H&M. I still can't fit into the tops tho...honestly I can't see how you can wear anything from H&M if you have BOOBS. WTF? Srsly. It being Swedish is no excuse, since I AM Swedish, and I have BOOBS.
Also I got fabulous cheap kick-around-the-house-sandals on sale at Payless, so I didn't have to feel like a noob paying $5 for crappy flip flops. I am much happy because I was mourning the loss of my favorite super-deluxe flipflops, who utterly fell apart after 4 years of loyal service.
Also also, heres some music that makes me smile. Mika = Awesum!win
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) -HOMG! Mika wrote a song for ME!
Grace Kelly - I actually wanted to add this to
my R/Hr mix, but I figured 13 songs was enough ;)
WOW! Long entry! O.o