Yay new entry finally!!!! *dances*
So today was rather sunny so since I live near many beaches I went with the family to the sea!!!
So the day started with me waiting around in the garden for ages for everyone else to get ready- living in a family of seven can cause you to take a couple of hours to actually leave the house!!
The chickens, meanwhile, were rather relaxed in the sun
Here be Billy and Jo, sunbathing... The other two had fled.
As I sat in the sun, my dog, Fleur, decided to join
She was sunbathing, as you can see!!
I then made her a buttercup chain, which she seemed to like :D
Righto, then we went to the seaaaa!! Aaaaand it was very very windy and cold at first, but then it got a bit warmer and I managed to stop sitting in child's pose and get some photos taken
So yeah, these are just beachy pictures- it was reaaaally windy, the sea was being blown away!!
These seagulls were somehow strutting on the water- they were Jesus seagulls!!!
So then I saw this island across the rocks and water- and I decided to make my way there. In the process I got very very sandy and muddy and covered in clay- didn't realise thee was so much clay!!
Clay and pretty water pools
Mum pointed out this rock to me- it spurted water out at me earlier and then she said that it looked like little dinosaurs could be living in it!!!
Then I saw this one and thought 'ancient ruins from Indiana Jones!!!!' :DDD
So then when I got across the island I saw this awesome looking rock that looked like the Titanic ^^
My dad decided to chuck rocks at it, saying he was bombing it!!
Then once we were all exhausted, we headed back home to watch Night at the Museum, which I must say it a very cool film ^^
Wee, an interesting entry for once, I'll try to do more of these ^^