
Feb 07, 2008 13:15

Somehow, despite the fact that I haven't had a proper night's sleep all week and feel like I'm about to die, I'm in an irrepressibly good mood! Reasons why:

  • Got to see Gloria Steinem speak last night at the student center! She's just generally an amazing person not to mention such an important cultural figure, it was so cool to see her in person. ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

coffeestains February 7 2008, 21:31:21 UTC
CONGRATS! on the internship =D

I did my internship over at the New Orleans Museum of Art two years ago and it was a blast!

And wow, that's an awesome compliment on your thesis. Go you! *high fives*



lbmisscharlie February 7 2008, 23:15:28 UTC
Thank you! I'm really excited for the experience.

And Supernatural!!! I'm so excited for this one, cause I looooove Bobby.


foggy_bunny February 7 2008, 23:34:06 UTC
Hmmmm...not sure how I feel about a list of happiness in which I'm not part of : P

And I'm not really thrilled with either Clinton or Obama, though I prefer Obama. I still have my fingers crossed my write in campaign to elect Howard Dean president will work.


lbmisscharlie February 8 2008, 02:29:31 UTC
Well if we're writing in candidates, I vote for the Doctor! :D


jadedsurprises February 8 2008, 03:35:21 UTC
Obama Obama, though I wouldn't complain if Hillary won :)

And super congrats on everything! You're going to have like the best thesis ever. We're throwing you a party.


jadedsurprises February 8 2008, 03:36:07 UTC
Also, I heard this thing about McCain's idea to reinstate the draft which I do not like AT ALL. This makes me really hope it's not him.


lbmisscharlie February 8 2008, 03:41:45 UTC
Oh, that is a bad idea indeed. But yay for a post-thesis party! We'll have to wait a day so I can present at Ruhlman and then we are getting smashingly drunk. :D Also, it doesn't really apply, but check out the icon.


jadedsurprises February 8 2008, 03:46:01 UTC
Ah yes, I'll take it. Everything is homoerotic.


lbmisscharlie February 8 2008, 03:51:24 UTC
Totally. Speaking of, Dean totally asked Sam if he was having a dirty dream about Brad Pitt tonight.


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