Written for the prompt "resolution".
Title: Religion, Science, and the Unexplainable
Series: Community
Length: 270 words
Genre: Humor
Characters: Shirley, Jeff, et al
Summary: Darwin was wrong.
It was inevitable that their Biology class would address Darwinism, and therefore inevitable that during today’s study session, Shirley and Jeff would become embroiled in the eternal creation versus evolution debate.
Shirley was torn between wanting agnostic-about-everything Jeff to at least believe in something-even if it was evolution-and wanting to save him from burning in hell, as any lawyer was sure to do.
Jeff was grandstanding a little more than necessary, but come on, he was good at it. You gotta give the people what they want.
Annie was scrupulously taking notes in case any of this appeared on the exam.
Troy had been following Annie’s example until he got distracted playing Hangman with himself. And he was losing.
Abed was filming everything with his camcorder, because he was convinced there was a modern day Inherit the Wind in here somewhere. Or at least a midseason series on the USA Network, starring James Franco as the hotshot lawyer.
Pierce giggled any time Jeff said “homo sapiens”.
Britta had been on Jeff’s side, naturally, but by this point she just wanted him to shut the hell up. Her mellow was wearing off.
“All right, Jeffrey,” Shirley said in clipped, sweet tones, doing her best to keep her inner angry black woman under control,“if mankind has evolved over millennia so that only the strongest members of the species survived, if natural selection has left us with only the smartest and the most capable people…. Then how do you explain Greendale?”
Everyone stopped what they were doing and waited for Jeff to answer.
But he couldn’t.
No one could explain Greendale.
Originally posted 1/20/12