Title: Damsel in Distress Series: Tales of the Abyss Length: 675 words Genre: General, Fluff, Friendship Characters: Natalia, Guy Summary: Females of all species adore Guy.
Gosh, I haven't used LJ since the big move over to DW, but I'm dusting off this account just to comment here. You have utterly sold me on this pairing...I've gone through your entire ToA tag (having just finished the 3DS port, of course) and your FF.net stuff, which is actually how I found this blog. I am going to quietly sit here and roll around in all these feelings you've given me.
You write them both very well--though I do think your Guy could bear to ramp down the 9000+ charm levels, but that's personal taste--but most importantly, you write well, period, which is exceptional in fandom authors and so, so refreshing. I could read this all day. I am a sucker for believable banter, and I am also a sucker for competent!Natalia, so hey, combo deal. Please write more, I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks very much for reading and commenting! I've been told my Guy is too charming all the time, and I try to work on that and tone it down, but... it's just so much fun to write. I'm trying to be more aware of it, though, and make my characterization more well-rounded.
I really appreciate you stopping by. Comments like yours always make my day.
Comments 2
You write them both very well--though I do think your Guy could bear to ramp down the 9000+ charm levels, but that's personal taste--but most importantly, you write well, period, which is exceptional in fandom authors and so, so refreshing. I could read this all day. I am a sucker for believable banter, and I am also a sucker for competent!Natalia, so hey, combo deal. Please write more, I'm looking forward to it.
/sits here, tracks like a creeper... |D;
I really appreciate you stopping by. Comments like yours always make my day.
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