Title: Something Else Series: Free! Length: 4660 words Genre: Humor, Friendship+ Characters: Gou, Nagisa Summary: It's more than a club meeting but less than a date. It's talk, tacos, and maybe something else.
Ooh, thank you for comments. This took me months to finish and D couldn't understand why, but I think you know how every word is a struggle for me. (He read your post and said, "I see why you like this guy--he makes good comments.")
You also don't overdo the descriptions, which I'm very thankful for.
Speaking of struggles. I feel I have to overdo them from my own personal comfort zone of writing just to get them to a point where they are just the right amount. I have such a hard time with descriptions and have to push myself to do more.
I laughed out loud when Nagisa remarked that it was almost like a date
I feel as though the singer was a metaphor for Nagisa and Kou's relationship. It starts out so bad it's funny, and ends lovely.This scene was the one part we actually sat down and wrote together (from entering the restaurant to the end of the guitar player's bit), and it made D bust out laughing every time he read it. The singing wasn't intended as a metaphor (more as an ice-breaker), but I'll take it. Sometimes the unintended
( ... )
All the characters are favorites as far as I'm concerned, but yes, the teacher is darling. D wants to be like her. Get cracking, the new season starts next month.
Comments 4
You also don't overdo the descriptions, which I'm very thankful for.
Speaking of struggles. I feel I have to overdo them from my own personal comfort zone of writing just to get them to a point where they are just the right amount. I have such a hard time with descriptions and have to push myself to do more.
I laughed out loud when Nagisa remarked that it was almost like a date
I feel as though the singer was a metaphor for Nagisa and Kou's relationship. It starts out so bad it's funny, and ends lovely.This scene was the one part we actually sat down and wrote together (from entering the restaurant to the end of the guitar player's bit), and it made D bust out laughing every time he read it. The singing wasn't intended as a metaphor (more as an ice-breaker), but I'll take it. Sometimes the unintended ( ... )
I think I may watch this show; apparently there's a fan-favorite teacher...?
All the characters are favorites as far as I'm concerned, but yes, the teacher is darling. D wants to be like her. Get cracking, the new season starts next month.
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