Sorting Hat Application for: erisate

Mar 11, 2006 19:37


01. What is your name? If you could be named anything else, what would you be named?
My name is Kelly. I don't think I would change my name. I've had it for so long and I'm so used to it by now. The main reason I wouldn't change my name is because it means warrior. I consider myself to be a strong, independent woman. My name fits my personality.

02. What is your e-mail address? (This is essential so that we can contact you if needed.)

03. How old are you?
Quarter of a century.... or 25 if you need the number.

04. Explain your livejournal username.
Erisate is actually 2 mythical goddesses.
Eris is the goddess discord. Her greatest joy is to make trouble.
and Ate is the Goddess of Irrationality.
Neither really sums me up now a days. Years ago, when I was younger, this is what I was. Irrational and a trouble maker. I grew up. But the name stuck- and I love mythology.

05. If you could ban one thing in the Wizarding World, what would it be? It could be anything.
I would ban all my favorite characters from getting murdered. I don't really care how it happens but it needs to be stopped.

06. If you could choose one person to be stuck in a room with, who would it be and why have you chosen that person?
My fiancee, Matt. He makes me laugh and smile. He makes me feel like a wonderful, beautiful and intelligent woman. No matter what we do we have an amazing time together. He's my best friend.

07. What do you think of when you hear the word "Dumbledore"?
I think of the pain and emptiness everytime I hear his name. He was always my favorite character- ever since the very first book all those years ago. He's had this humor, and intelligence, and protectiveness of everyone that drew me to him. He was internally and externally strong, , caring bold and loving. I will miss him in the final book. Although I know what he did was only to benefit the greater cause. Showing his unselfishness.

08. Out of the entire Harry Potter book series, which one is your favorite and why?
Although I love every single book and have read each one multiple times, if I had to choose then my favorite book would have to be POA. It was simple yet complex. I think I read the book in 2 days because I couldn't put it down. I love how the ending completely blind sided me. Who would have expected that?? Love it!

09. Which character do you feel you are similar to?
I feel similar to Harry. He is smart yet he has this recklessness to him. He likes to have fun. He likes to participate in school sports. Like Harry, I have a cousin whom I cannot stand, but for different reasons of course. He feels misunderstood a lot and finds himself in difficult situations. In the end, he always remains true to himself.

10. What shape would your corporeal patronus take? Why do you feel this is the shape/figure that best fits you?
My patronus would take the shape of a mouse. They are small and quick and they LOVE cheese. They can maneuver in small spaces and can usually avoid being seen if the situation calls for stealthiness. But they are sweet and furry and cute at the same time.

11. If you were to face Voldemort, what would you do?
Well, I would say with my lack of wizarding education I'd try to plot in my mind a way to escape. I have no defense to his curses. He's an evil mastermind with years of evil experience. I'd run.

12. If you found a brand new Remembrall on the ground, what would you do with it?
Well it would probably turn red because I forget things. Then I would turn it in to the lost and found.

13. What do you see when you face a boggart?
I'd have to go with Mrs. Weasley on this one... losing a loved one. I've been fortunate to not have to deal with that but once in my life. It scares me to no end because I've never dealt with it before and I don't know how I would deal with it.

14. If you were given an invisibility cloak for one full night, what would you do with it?
I would sneak onto an airplane and fly for free to Italy. I want to go there but the flight tickets are SO expensive!

15. If you had the chance to change one thing about Hogwarts, what would it be?
No discrimination against werewolves. I miss Professor Lupin...

16. If you could name the most prominent characteristic that you feel shows who you are, which characteristic would it be? (Name only one.)
I'm dependable. I'm there if I tell you I'll be there. I keep things to myself if asked to do so.

17. What is your favorite thing about Hogwarts?
That when my world gets to overwhelming or stressful I can go to Hogwarts and visit the lives of Harry and Dumbledore and forget all my worries here.

18. What is your definition of a gallomollouly? (Hint: It is not in the dictionary.)
Kind of like a millionaire in the wizarding world. A wizard has a lot of galleons.
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