for all y'all who like brown ketchup and Jelly Babies (not combined), these may be found betwixt Beef-o's and the dry cleaners over offa Busch + Himes.
otherwise, I think I am getting dumber by the day. I am finding that I cannot maintain an effective conversation any longer.
if corporate procurement is only concerned with obtaining the lowest price on goods and services, why does any supplier offer stuff at any but the lowest possible price?
if people don't have any money and businesses don't want to spend any money, who gets all the profit the businesses make off the people?
I got to quit bitchin about my situation, after all I could be in Iraq. If I hadn't got on at the print shop in 2002 when I did, my next stop would have been the recruiters...then probably a hot LZ somewhere
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I have decided that I simply expect too much of everything and everyone. Including myself. Problem is, I don't know how to proceed from that revelation
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I happen to be rather dedicated to getting myself back up the corporate ladder, so I belong to a young leader's program of my local chamber of commerce. tonight was a meeting. here's what I learned tonight
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