Challenges for the finalists

Jun 13, 2008 22:45

Thank you to both saraannette and ifanciful for getting your challenges in on time :)

saraannette's challenge for ifanciful:

The drabble should focus on EITHER a character placing a memory into the pensieve (which memory? why? etc.) OR a character viewing somebody else's memory in the Pensieve. Characters, genre, etc. are at the writer's discretion.

ifanciful's challenge for saraannette:

It's clear that House Elves have distinctly different minds that separate the way they view life from the way a witch or wizard might. Likewise, they have a separate culture of their own, despite living in accord with (or as most of them would believe, to serve) wizards. We've seen shades of this in the book, though never in much depth.

So my challenge: A lot of what the norm is when it comes to House Elves was displayed through Winky in GOF. Write a drabble from her PoV, set anytime after she is released from the Crouch family's service.

ifanciful has requested an extension, which means the deadline for both drabbles will be moved to Sunday, June 22 at 11 PM EST. Don't forget that drabbles must be submitted as comments on this post.

Good luck writing!

round 4: challenges

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