kronk kronk kronk

May 26, 2009 23:23

Observations from my lack of social life.

Sorry about the obnoxious thumbnails.

Acris spp. I'm ashamed to say I didn't go the extra bit to identify this cricket frog fully. It could honesty be either the southern or northern spp. based on where I found it, and I didn't get a good look at the snout to help narrow it down either.

Fresh toadlet!

The H. cinerea were out chorusing en masse tonight. The males were EVERYWHERE in the pinestraw. Lookin' cute, as usual.

I finally managed to find a chorusing cricket frog. I found a few more shortly hereafter.

Bufo tads

image Click to view

I was just about to leave when a little mister started shouting behind me. I managed to find him in the vegetation and snag a movie before heading home! He wasn't even deterred by my headlamp!

photos, herping

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