your opinion answers sucked, you dont like subway or farters. & well, youre wearing a nirvana shirt in every one of your pictures almost, & thats just disgusting & so are you♥
you dont say that ot people when youre not even accepted. it gives you a bad look & the lj-cut thing is put in the community rules, very simply. ohk? so, you cant sit there & be mad at me, bc you suck & i dont like you. k?
Well looks like i did say it now doesn't it. and i can be very mad thankyouverymuch because your sitting there like your somthing all high and mighty saying that i suck and you don't like me when hey, guess what, you don't even know the first thing about me. I don't see why your having such a big hissy fit, you could have just simply said "no, sorry" and that would have been fine, you didn't have to add in all the negativity.but what ever, fine, i'm gone.
rawr, well sorry, i didn't know what i was supose to do (like i've alreddy said) so just delete this whole thing and forget about it, no need to have a hissy fit.
Comments 26
oh man, was this a joke?
your opinion answers sucked, you dont like subway or farters. & well, youre wearing a nirvana shirt in every one of your pictures almost, & thats just disgusting & so are you♥
you dont say that ot people when youre not even accepted. it gives you a bad look & the lj-cut thing is put in the community rules, very simply. ohk? so, you cant sit there & be mad at me, bc you suck & i dont like you. k?
oh & this took up alot of room on my friends page, so also no bc you didnt put it in an lj cut & you didnt answer 2 of the questions
get bent
From there put this code on top of your entry:
<**lj-cut text="Rajaa Rules."**>
Take the stars out.
God Rajaa.
You rock so hard.
I'm gonna add you.
Just learn how to do the LJ-cut, I could've told you how if you needed it!!
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