just listen to the music of the traffic in the city

Feb 15, 2008 10:47

So Happy Valentines Day. I hope the sun's out in New York.
I'm a day late, but its because I just have so much love to give <3 ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

hangoneveryword February 15 2008, 22:56:28 UTC
I would get a student visa. You don't need one, really, but it does simplify travel in and out of England.
It was great seeing you Saturday!


lilcrzychk February 16 2008, 20:33:48 UTC
ah you do such fun things! i am jealous. i never know what to do with my life on weekends.

i think the housing situation sounds good. even if it is brooklyn, you say it's only 15 mins from school? that is not bad at all! and esp for what you'd be getting. totally worth it. having your own space in college makes the biggest difference. i love it.



jocknumberzero February 17 2008, 04:02:19 UTC
interviewing tourists sounds fantastic.
bad chinese food????? so sad....
You are going to be SO lucky to have a spacious apartment in brooklyn, and yeah manhattan WOULD be better.... but still, your own room will be GLORIOUS.

miss and love you!!


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