It's times like these I wish I was Hermione and had a Timeturner

Sep 25, 2008 12:58

I've made many plans and set many goals for myself during my last year at NYU. One of the things on my little list is to do more things that make me, Ms. Leah Nicole, happy. I spend so much time and energy stressing over school and stupid small problems that I find myself losing interest in things that I normally am super passionate and excited ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

lilcrzychk October 2 2008, 09:54:53 UTC
I just read this. has this happened yet?? what did u decide?


le_izzle October 2 2008, 15:17:39 UTC
The night in question is Oct 24. One of my friends and I are quite determined to get Killers tickets... the only problem is that it sold out in seconds. Literally, seconds. They usually play Madison Square Garden when they come to NY (20,000 capacity) and now they're playing a much smaller venue called the Hammerstein Ballroom (2,500 capacity) for one night only because they're not on tour, just kinda doing a few random club shows. Needless to say that's like 17,500 people left out in the cold for this show. If we can get tickets I'm going to The Killers, but if not I'm gonna go to Saves the Day because I already have it booked.

BSB is playing a concert on Halloween LMAO. If it was any other night, you know I'd be there in the front row with one of my old tour shirts from middle school =)


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